Information literacy studies and human information behaviour



The paper is aimed at presentation of qualitative studies of information literacy and human information behaviour with the emphasis on concepts of informed learning, information culture, information landscapes and information fluency. Results of our own studies of information behaviour of students, managers, doctoral students and researchers in Slovakia are summarized. The objectives were to identify contexts and patterns of information behaviour, information literacy, information ecology and creativity. Qualitative and combined methods of studies have been applied (interviews, modelling, information horizons). Results are represented by a model of the information ecology of academic information environment composed of semantic, cognitive, and behavioral dimensions. A model of methodological literacy of doctoral students is presented and three information use patterns (interactive, sequential, evolutionary). Relationships between creativity and information literacy are identified in a model of creative information spaces. Results of information behaviour study of researchers in Slovakia are interpreted in methodological, expertise and open science factors. The qualitative paradigm and trends of research in information literacy and information behaviour are stressed.


Jela Steinerová

Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Filozofická fakulta
Šafárikovo nám. č.6

The paper was developed as part of the research project VEGA 1/0066/15 Modeling of the information environment of digital science.

The paper was presented at NASIV  Visegrád-V4 information education workshop n Brno, June 7 2016.

Klíčová slova:
information literacy; information behaviour; phenomenographic studies; information horizons; methodological literacy; creative information strategies; information behaviour of researchers

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