Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice with Design-Based Action Research

Studia paedagogica: Teacher Education and Educational Research

This article proposes design-based action research as an addendum to large-scale educational research. Placing design-based research together with teachers' action research into one single method, this study takes a pragmatic approach in accordance with Dewey's (1938) philosophy on democratic change in education. Its participatory methodological framework includes stakeholders directly into the discourse about educational improvements and reforms. To make my claims substantial, I will elucidate why teachers' practical knowledge is of paramount importance for bridging the well-known gap between theory and practice. I will exemplify the constructed method with a research project exploring the potential of The Simpsons for bilingual Politics & Economics classes. I will argue that the overall approach I offer makes practical knowledge become scientific. Additionally, considerations for including design-based action research as a methodological pathway into teacher education are mentioned.

Klíčová slova:
design-based research; action research; mētis; pragmatism; teacher education; educational reforms

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