![]() | The Department of English and American Studies Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University in Brno |
2 – 4 February, 2005
held at the Faculty of Arts, Arna Nováka 1, Brno
• Conference Proceedings – 2005 •
Announcement: Due to an unexpectedly high number of contributors
to the conference proceedings, we are not yet able to inform you of the definitive
acceptance of your contributions. You will receive the notification as
soon as the reviewing process is finished.
Thank you for your patience and
Jan Chovanec, editor
* * *
Presenters wishing to have their contributions published in the conference proceedings should send
a notice of their intention together with the
estimated number of pages to the editor by
Friday 11 February 2005.
Send e-mail
The contributors will then be sent a style sheet with editorial guidance
for the preparation of the final versions of their articles. The deadline
for submissions is no later than
Monday 28 February 2005.
Please, read the Guide to Contributors (.html), (.doc) carefully.
• Conference Information •
Conference programme: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, CZASE Meeting
Conference programme download: (.doc), (.pdf)
Schedule overview: (.doc), (.pdf)
Sessions: Schedule with Abstracts (.doc), (.pdf)
• Orientation in Brno •
How to get...
Map of Brno (on-line), (.gif)
(the red brackets = Rector's Office (Registration Place), Train station to the South)
Orientation plan: Faculty of Arts
• The Department Publications •
!!! List of books on sale !!!
It will be possible to purchase our Department's publications (journals and books) during the registrations and the coffee breaks.
• Kind support •
Palgrave and MacMillan publishers' books will be on display and for purchase during the coffee breaks.
The Department is glad to thank the supporters.
Conference Programme
The opening of the conference will be held at the auditorium of the Masaryk University Congress Centre, Komenského nám. 2 (within easy walking distance of both the Rectorate and the Faculty of Arts)
Welcoming Addresses:
Jeffrey A. Vanderziel (Head of the Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno)
Jan Pavlík (Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno)
Keynote Address:
Waldemar Zacharasiewicz (University of Vienna, Austria), “The Literary Construction of Canada and Its Transatlantic Ties”?
All the Conference Sessions will be held at the Faculty of Arts, Arna Nováka 1, Brno
Poetry I (Room 22, 4.00–5.40)
Chair: Erik S. Roraback
• Jiří Flajšar (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Issues of Form in Contemporary American Poetry“
• Svatava Heinlová (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ), “R. D. Laing and His Need for Communication in ‘Do You Love Me?’”
• Zenó Vernyik (University of Szeged, Hungary), “‘Decomposing in the mouth of New York’: Spatial New York City in E. E. Cummings’ Tulips & Chimneys”
Film I (Room 32, 4.00–5.40)
Chair: Zsófia Anna Tóth
• Tomáš Pospíšil (Masaryk University, Brno), “Epistemological Uncertainty in David Cronenberg”
• Lívia Szélpál (Central European University, Budapest, Hungary), “Images of the Modern American City. An Unconventional History”
• Zoltán Dragon (University of Szeged, Hungary), “Adaptation as Intermedial Dialogue, or Tennessee Williams Goes to Hollywood”
Cultural Studies of North America I (Room 33, 4.00–5.40)
Chair: Pawel Laidler
• Rafal Wordliczek (Jagiellonian Universtity, Cracow, Poland), “Jewish Emigration from Eastern Europe to the USA at the Beginning of the 20th Century”
• Radka Sedláčková (Tomáš Baťa University, Zlín, CZ), “Chicago: still a melting pot?”
• Štěpánka Korytová-Magstadt (Charles University, Pilsen, CZ), “They wished to combine the spirit of Bohemia and America: Czech Women’s Clubs in Chicago, 1890-1914 – the Liberal “Progressive” Type”
• Don Sparling (Masaryk University, Brno), “Tinkering with Thanksgiving: The Canadian Approach”
Language and Its Roles (Room 34, 4.00–5.40)
Chair: Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek
• Jitka Vlčková (Masaryk University, Brno), “Cultural Identity and Communication”
• Iheanacho George Chidiebere (African Heritage Network, Nigeria), “The politics of Standards in English language”
• Göran Wolf (Technical University, Dresden, Germany), “Grammarians Assess the English Language”
• Karel Kučera (Silesian University, Opava, CZ), “Language Stratification and the Representations of Consciousness Inside and Outside of Language”
Methodology I (Room 37, 4.00–5.40)
Chair: Randall Sadler
• Lucie Betáková (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “Health Education in English language classes – a nightmare or a challenge?”
• Kateřina Dvořáková (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “Some aspects of teaching a foreign language at lower primary level at Waldorf schools”
• Teodor Hrehovčík (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “What do we teach: applied linguistics or language teaching metodology”
Nineteenth-Century Literature I (Room 5, 4.00–5.40)
Chair: Michael Kaylor
• Michal Peprník (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Cooper’s Indians: typology and function”
• Kamila Vránková (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “Variations and Transformations of the ‘Lenore’ Motif in Several European Ballads”
• Martin Procházka (Charles University, Prague), “The “Neutral Ground” of History: Tully-Veolan in Waverley as a Zone of Contact”
• Matthew Sweney (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Bram Stoker's Dracula, called ‘Moravian Village’”
Venue: “U Královny Elišky“ Restaurant, Mendlovo nám. 1
Film II (Room 22, 9.30–11.00)
Chair: Tomáš Pospíšil
• Erik S. Roraback (Charles University, Jerome College, and FAMU, Prague; Vermont College, USA), “Cinematic Movement within Orson Welles’s Mr. Arkadin/Confidential Report (1955)”
• Zsófia Anna Tóth (University of Szeged, Hungary), “(Im)morality of the New Woman in the Early 20th Century”
• Patricia Ráčková (University of Hradec Králové, CZ), “Dangerous Liaisons of Film and Literature”
Conversation Analysis (Room 32, 9.30–11.20)
Chair: Jan Chovanec
• Ludmila Urbanová (Masaryk University, Brno), “English Conversation: Authentic and Fictional”
• Milan Ferenčík (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “Organization of Repair in Talk-in-Interaction and Politeness”
• Renata Povolná (Masaryk University, Brno), “Some discourse items as response elicitors in English face-to-face and telephone conversation”
• Nikolay Pitetskiy (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “The Notion of the Communicative Field”
• Robert Vorel (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ), “Suprasegmental Units in Modern English and Other Languages”
Grammar (Room 33, 9.30–11.20)
Chair: Martin Adam
• Markéta Malá (Charles University, Prague), “Semantic roles of adverbial participial clauses”
• Pavlína Šímová (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “The Transition between Restrictive and Non-restrictive Adjectival Relative Clauses”
• Sigbjorn L. Berge (Agder University, Norway), “The grammatical nature of the English modal auxiliaries: a hypothesis”
• Marcela Malá (Technical University, Liberec, CZ), “Syntactic and semantic similarities and differences between nominal relative clauses and wh-interrogative clauses”
• Vladislav Smolka (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “Non-extraposed subject clauses”
E-learning (Room 34, 9.30–11.40)
Chair: Jiří Rambousek
• Melinda Dooly (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) and Randall Sadler (University of Illinois, Urbana-Campaign, USA), “Computers as toolkits: language e-learning through international collaboration”
• Jarmila Fictumová (Masaryk University, Brno), “E-Learning for Translators and Interpreters”
• Klára Szabó, Andrea Orosz, and Maria Bakti (University of Szeged, Hungary), “Teaching cross-curricular”
• Tamara Váňová (Masaryk University, Brno), “English Online”
• Stanislava Kasikova (Czech Technical University, Prague), “Designing English Language Courses in Class Server”
Postcolonial and Ethnic Literatures (Room 5, 9.30–11.10)
Chair: Réka Mónika Cristian
• Ralph Slayton (Silesian University, Opava, CZ), “Time and Mother-Child Relationships in J.M. Coetzee’s As a Woman Grows Older”
• Martina Nosková (Masaryk University, Brno), ““Sex and the Umma”: Religion and sex in Mohja Kahf’s columns”
• Iva Polak (University of Zagreb, Croatia), “Postcolonial Imagination and Postcolonial Theory: Indigenous Canadian and Australian Literature Fighting for (Postcolonial) Space”
• Christopher E. Koy (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ), “Mules and Mulattos in Selected Works of Charles Waddell Chesnutt and Zora Neale Hurston”
Literature and Identity (Room 22, 11.40am–1.00pm)
Chair: Milada Franková
• Réka Mónika Cristian (University of Szeged, Hungary), “Borderlands: Postcolonial Identities and Contemporary American Literature”
• Lidia Kyzlinková (Masaryk University, Brno), “Rendell/Vine: Terrorising Women through Englishness and Ethnicity”
• Slávka Tomaščíková (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “Topic: Sitcom within British Studies”
Language of Written Documents (Room 32, 11.40am–1.00pm)
Chair: Karel Kučera
• Olga Dontcheva-Navrátilová (Masaryk University, Brno), “Supplementive Clauses in Resolutions”
• Danica Malekova (University of Žilina, Slovakia), “Terminology in the Context of Law Writing”
• Jan Chovanec (Masaryk University, Brno), “Cohesive Patterns in Printed News Discourse”
Renaissance Literature (Room 33, 11.20am–1.00pm)
Chair: Martin Procházka
• Jadvyga Kruminiene (Vilnius University, Lithuania), “John Donne’s sermons: paradox as a fundamental structural device“
• Lucie Johnová (Charles University, Prague), “Dark Tones and Corrupt Relationships in Measure for Measure”
• Pavel Drábek (Masaryk University, Brno), “‘There’s Magicke in the web of it’: the occult dimension of Shakespeare’s Othello”
• Lucie Podroužková (Masaryk University, Brno), “Shakespeare’s New Clothes”
Literatures of North America II (Room 34, 11.40am–1.00pm)
Chair: Paul Titchmarsh
• Sorina Chiper (Al. I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania), “Gertrude Stein: Style in Autobiography”
• Bonita Rhoads (Yale University, USA), “Henry James and the Plunder of Sentiment: Building the House of Modernism from The Spoils of Poynton”
• Jaroslav Kušnír (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “Post-Postmodern Poetics in David Foster Wallace’s Short Stories?”
Modern British Fiction (Room 5, 2.30–4.30)
Chair: Pavlína Hácová
• Éva Zsizsmann (University of Szeged, Hungary), “Place and Memory in B.S. Johnson’s The Unfortunates”
• Ema Jelínková (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Muriel Spark’s Concept of Evil in Symposium and Not to Disturb”
• Petr Dvořák (University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, CZ), “The Magic of Names in the Novels and Short Stories by Graham Greene”
• Beáta Bilíková (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “In a trap of narrative: S. Rushdie’s novel Fury”
• Milada Franková (Masaryk University, Brno), “The Novelist, Theory and Reading”
Semantics (Room 22, 2.30–3.50)
Chair: Jarmila Cíhová
• Jana Vokáčová (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ), “A Comparative View of English, Czech, French and German Idioms”
• Naděžda Kudrnáčová (Masaryk University, Brno), “On the Semantics of English Verbs of Locomotion”
• Tatyana Solomonik-Pankrasova (Vilnius University, Lithuania), “Semantics of Old English feorh: from pagan to Christian tradition”
Methodology II (Room 32, 2.30–3.50)
Chair: Melinda Dooly
• Světlana Hanušová and Petr Najvar (Masaryk University, Brno), “Do early birds really catch the worm?”
• Mária Spišiaková and Dana Benčiková (Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia), “Place of culture in ESP”
• Hana Smíšková (Masaryk University, Brno), “Masaryk University Internationalization Project (teaching English to non-academic staff)”
Cultural Studies of North America II (Room 33, 2.30–4.10)
Chair: Rafal Wordliczek
• Pawel Laidler (Jagiellonian Universtity, Cracow, Poland), “The Significant Role of the Supreme Court in the United States and Canada: A Comparative Study”
• Łukasz Wordliczek (Jagiellonian Universtity, Cracow, Poland), “Direct Patronage: Pork Barrel Legislation and Private Bills”
• Steven Schwartzhoff (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Buy One for the Gipper: Commemorative Acts, Merchandise and the Creation of Collective Memory”
• Kenneth Froehling (Brno University of Technology and Masaryk University, Brno), “Asterisk on honesty: the tragedy of Roger Maris”
Translation (Room 37, 2.30–4.00)
Chair: Renata Kamenická
• Linda Jayne Turner (Charles University, Prague), “Translator Training in Britain and Germany”
• Simona Mazáčová (Masaryk University, Brno), “Two Book Titles: Translation as Interpretation”
• Magdalena Paluszkiewicz-Misiaczek (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland), “Strategies and Methods in Dealing with Culture Specific Expressions on the Basis of Translations of Administrative and Institutional Terms”
• Vladimír Biloveský (Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia), “Translation of non-literary texts containing literary elements”
Literatures of North America I (Room 22, 4.30–6.10)
Chair: Iva Polak
• Paul Titchmarsh (University of Veszprém, Hungary), “The ‘relentless unforeseen:’ altered-history and paranoia in Philip Roth’s The Plot Against America”
• Marcel Arbeit (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), ”(Vain) Search for Heroes in Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy”
• Tanja Cvetković (University of Nis, ), “Female Characters in Robert Kroetsch’s Out West Triptych”
• Katarína Labudová (University of Žilina, Slovakia), “From Retrospective to Reconstruction: Cat’s Eye by Margaret Atwood”
Modern Theatre and Drama (Room 32, 4.30–6.10)
Chair: Lucie Podroužková
• Ondřej Pilný (Charles University, Prague), “The ‘Irish Play’ in the Hands of Contemporary Playwrights from Ireland”
• Glenn Timmermans (University of Macau, China), “Songs for Dead Children: Telling Stories in Contemporary Irish Theatre”
• Clare Wallace (Charles University, Prague), “Responsibility and Postmodernity: Mark Ravenhill and 1990s British drama”
• Jana Javorčíková (Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia), “New Trends in Canadian and American Immigrant Drama: What does the ‘Promised Land’ promise?”
Varieties of English (Room 33, 4.10–5.30)
Chair: Ludmila Urbanová
• Renata Pípalová (Charles University, Prague), “On the Structural Aspect of Textual Hyperthemes”
• Jana Chamonikolasová (Masaryk University, Brno) and Jaroslava Stašková (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “Some difficulties facing native speakers of Czech and Slovak in writing in English”
• Kateřina Tomková (Masaryk University, Brno), “The perception of non-native pronunciation of English by native speakers”
Poetry II (Room 34, 4.50–6.10)
Chair: Zenó Vernyik
• Pavlína Hácová (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “The Poet as Cultural Dentist: Ethnicity in the Poetry of Jackie Kay”
• Debra Shulkes (Deakin University, Victoria, Australia), “Signs not taken for Wonders: Disavowing the Poetic Function in the Work of Sylvia Plath”
• Irena Přibylová (Masaryk University, Brno), “From Woody Guthrie to Ozomatli; Protest Songs in the Changing World”
Translation and Culture (Room 37, 4.20–6.10)
Chair: Simona Mazáčová
• Bohuslav Mánek (University of Hradec Králové and University of Pardubice, CZ), “The Czech Reception of Robert Burns’s Poetry”
• Renata Kamenická (Masaryk University, Brno), “Czech translations of Sonnets from the Portuguese by E. Barrett Browning”
• Jiří Rambousek (Masaryk University, Brno), “Unpublished translations of Poe’s The Raven by František Nevrla”
• Ivona Škanderová (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ), “William Shakespeare in Pilsen”
• Jaroslav Peprník (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Canada in Czech Literature”
Venue: MU Restaurant, Vinařská 5
Metaphors and Idioms (Room 22, 9.40-11.00)
Chair: Jana Vokáčová
• Andrea Csillag (Ferenc Kölcsey Teacher Training College of the Reformed Church, Debrecen, Hungary), “Metaphor of Morals”
• Jarmila Cíhová (Comenius University, Bratislava), “The Borrowings from English: Ruination of our languages or a necessity in today’s globalized world?”
• Michaela Martinková (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “Spatial concepts in wide and broad”
Functional Sentence Perspective And Syntax (Room 32, 9.30–11.10)
Chair: Jana Chamonikolasová
• Marek Tomášik (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “Thematic and non-thematic intertextual divergence”
• Martin Adam (Masaryk University, Brno), “Functional Macrofield Perspective?”
• Milan Ferenčík (University of Prešov, Slovakia), “Organization of Repair in Talk-in-Interaction and Politeness”
• Jarmila Tárnyiková (Palacký University, Olomouc, CZ), “From co-ordination to subordination: the case of verbal hendiadys”
• Dániel Pap (University of Szeged, Hungary), “A Comparative Approach to English, German and Hungarian Verbal Particles”
Nineteenth-Century Literature II (Room 33, 9.30–11.10)
Chair: Kamila Vránková
• Klára Kolinská (Masaryk University, Brno, and Charles University, Prague), “’All that they saw was the message itself:’ Textual Calamities in Flaubert and de Mille”
• Kamila Velkoborská (University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, CZ), “Myth, Ritual and J.E. Harrison”
• Michael Kaylor (University of Pardubice, CZ), “‘Because Beneath the Lake a Treasure Sank’: William Johnson’s Shaping of ‘Ionica’ and Digby Mackworth Dolben”
• Zdeněk Beran (Charles University, Prague), “Teleny: the question of fin de siecle sexuality”
The closing meeting of the conference will be held at Room 48
Jeffrey A. Vanderziel (Head of the Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno)
Keynote Address: Libuše Dušková (Charles University, Prague), “From the Heritage of Vilém Mathesius and Jan Firbas: Syntax in the Service of FSP”
1.00 p.m. –
General Meeting of the CZASE
(Czech Association for the Study of English)
held at Room 48 (Faculty of Arts)
Chaired by Prof. Dr. Martin Procházka, CSc., President of the CZASE
1.Report of the President about the Prague Meeting on 24 September 2004
2.Election of the President and the Executive Committee (by ballot)
3.Changes in the CZASE Constitution (vote by ballot)
4.Payment of the Debt to the ESSE (vote by ballot)
5.Membership Fee and Dues to the ESSE (vote by ballot)
6.Admission of New Members: Rules and Procedure
7.CZASE Website and Local Events
8.Future Conferences