malá galerie Katedry anglistiky a amerikanistiky FF MU v Brně |
One Small Step... 35th Anniversary of the Moon landing: 35. výročí přistání na Měsíci: Rather than informing about the achievement from the technical point of view, the exhibition offered an insight into how it was percieved and what other events were on at the same time. As the full-size newspaper pages cannot be displayed here, we only include—very much in the spirit of the exhibition itself—several random samples. Výstava nabízela seznámení s tím, jak byl let Apolla 11 přijímán a jaká jiná témata byla v Británii toho dne aktuální. Protože zde nebylo možno vystavit stránky novin v plné velikosti, omezili jsme se – v duchu výstavy samotné – na několik víceméně náhodných vzorků. |
Preview / Ukázka |
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"Contact light on. Engine off. The Eagle has landed." |
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Nixon Leads U.S. in Prayer For Astronauts' Safe Return | |
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Among the millions of British television viewers were 26 South Africans—who each paid about GBP 250 to fly to London to watch the moon landing. There is no television in South Africa. Mackenna's Gold: A giant of a movie! |
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a phone call | |
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Having obtained the right qualifications, what do you look for in a job? | |
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"Magnificent desolation" | |
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"Mr Brezhnev!" | |
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Moscow took the unprecedented step of cabling astronaut Frank Borman... | |
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The descent trajectory of Eagle | |
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Reflections on man's social shortcomings, speculation on what else he might have done instead of sending men to the moon—all this melts away in the moment of awe and wonder. | |
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Jagger in the noose. German furore over 'We're guilty' speech Dialling the Universe |
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"... pause for a moment and contemplate the events of the past few hours ..." |