Kontrahovanie služieb vo verejnom sektore a jeho riadenie - skúsenosti z Českej republiky

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Arts. It includes Faculty of Economics and Administration. Official publication website can be found on muni.cz.
Title in English Contracting out services in the public sector and its management - experience from the Czech Republic .


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Web https://www.ef.umb.sk/ef/UploadFolder/583/subory/Acta%20Areari%202_2020.pdf
Keywords Contracting out; Public sector; Contract management; Czech Republic
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Description From the theoretical point of view, contracting out services in the public sector should convey effi ciency gains. However, the practice results do not confi rm the aforementioned assumption. Finding the reasons for this failure is problematic since most local and foreign studies focus on the problem of comparing the cost-eff ectiveness of internalization and contracting out services, perceived simply from the perspective of the principal-agent theory. The indicated perception of the problem is limited to solving the issue of “make or buy” - i.e. whether to provide the service with its own capacities or to contract it. The up-to-date world economic theory and practice should no longer address the question whether to contract public sector services, but how to manage the contracting process with the gradual change of competitive relationship between principal and agent (contracting authority and supplier) to a partnership. The aim of this study is to develop contracting theory by analysis of several years experience with contracting out and its management in Czech public sector.
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