Iděologija v Drevněj Rusi: těrminologija i struktura

Title in English Ideology in Ancient Rus': Terminology and Structure

VYSLOUŽILOVÁ Dagmar PODVALNOV Jevgenij Dmitrijevič

Year of publication 2024
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Description The concept of 'ideology' has undergone a lengthy and complex process of conceptualisation and terminology development within the field of Russian historiography. In the context of the Old Russian period, the term is often used in conjunction with the prefix 'feudal', 'official', 'state' and so on. Each of these requires a separate justification and definition, which, as a rule, is not found in the works of specialists. Consequently, it is necessary to "recreate" the understanding of the word combination implied by the researchers. However, it is the understanding of what ideology was in the Middle Ages that allows us to study the role of this category in the ideosphere of ancient Russia and the channels of information and forms of representation involved in its dissemination in the available communicative space of that time.

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