Milan Pol bids farewell to the faculty as dean. Get involved in helping Ukraine. The library offers educational classes and workshops.

Faculty website  |  03/2022
6 Mar 2022, 17:15  |  Čeština

Faculty Newsletter

Faculty leadership has one last month to go

Dear colleagues, students,

March 31st of this year will be my last day as Dean of our Faculty. It will close an eight-year chapter during which I, together with a team of my closest colleagues, have been trusted to lead the Faculty according to the election program of Quality Teaching and Excellence in Research in a Confident Faculty.

Together we have experienced many wonderful events, but also many challenging times. I was privileged to be present at the completion of the renovation of the historical campus. Another milestone was the major transformation of the curriculum as part of the transformation of degree programs. And finally, perhaps the most difficult test was brought about by the covid-19 disease pandemic - I think we all stood up to it with honor, even though it was not and still is not easy.

However, we have worked on other challenges, larger or smaller. Together we celebrated the centenary of Masaryk University and the centenary of the start of teaching at the Faculty of Arts. In 2021, the European Commission awarded our faculty with the HR Excellence in Research (HR Award) certificate, thus advancing us to the implementation phase of a project aimed at improving the faculty environment for research.

Faculty are first and foremost people. I have been lucky in selecting my closest colleagues, but I have been equally lucky with other colleagues, academics and non-academics, as well as students and their representatives. However, I also thank those who have sometimes stood in opposition and strongly voiced their disagreement. They made me wonder if we had overlooked something fundamental, sometimes revising the original decision.

Unfortunately, the last days and weeks have brought a new dimension to our lives - we are witnessing violence in a free country. I am proud that the faculty almost immediately became part of a strong wave of solidarity with Ukraine. And I hope that the war conflict can be brought to an end and the crisis averted as soon as possible.

I believe I am handing over the faculty leadership into good hands - and I wish Irena Radová and her team, as well as the entire faculty, only the best for the future. I will continue to do my best to work for the welfare of the faculty.

Milan Pol
Dean of MU Faculty of Arts

Read more (CZ)

Talks with Management

In a series of interviews, the dean and individual vice-deans looked back at the changes in faculty life in individual agendas since 2014.

Find out more (CZ)

Help Ukraine with MUNI

In particular, psychologists, interpreters, and pedagogues will be needed. Volunteers can use the MUNI HELPS app.

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Library invites you to information courses

They can help you with finding sources, citing, or creating professional text. The workshops are open to everyone and completely free.

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Free coffee or breakfast? Join the competition

In reference to 22nd February as a magical day of relationships, the "kaFFe" announces a photo contest. You can participate until March 8th.

Find out more (CZ)

Faculty has changed, students are more confident, says Emeritus Dean

With Prof. Jana Nechutová about the faculty before 1989, about her tenure as head of the faculty, and about women in leading academic positions.

Listen to the interview (CZ)

Suggestions to the Senate Committees can now be addressed via online form

You also still have the option of contacting a member of the committee individually. However, the online form can be a quicker way and also offers anonymity if necessary.

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University opens a new children's group in the centre of Brno

From September it will offer 24 places for children from 18 months to 4 years in the building on Komenského náměstí. Those interested in using it can apply now.

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New web about O365 apps

As employees continue to migrate to Microsoft Office 365, CIT has prepared a website summarizing basic information, recommendations, and frequently asked questions about using the main O365 applications.

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Web Cinematic Brno

The Digitalia MUNI ARTS collection now includes a platform offering researchers and lay people interested in the history of cinema a reconstruction of the program of Brno cinemas in 1918-1945.
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Staff change in the Office of Research and Development

On the first of March, Veronika Mattesová was replaced by Libor Zajíc. His agenda will include the TAČR, grants from the ministries, and internal development projects.

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Project support website and newsletter now in English

As part of improving the service to foreign researchers, the website of the Office of Research and Development was translated. You can subscribe to the English newsletter here.

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What awaits us in the coming months

Mon 14 Feb – Fri 20 May 2022

Teaching part of the semester

Tue 8 Mar 2022

On the history of Ukraine 

The Department of History cordially invites you to a thematic lecture afternoon in support of Ukraine and its people.

Fri 25 Mar 2022

International Public Reading of Sophocles 

After a two-year break, this year the Department of Classical Studies will once again physically join the worldwide public reading of works by Greek and Latin authors. This year, the program will feature Sophocles' Oedipus Rex. The reading will also be streamed online.

Other events can be found in the calendar of events on the website. For all study dates, see the schedule in IS.

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The next issue of the faculty newsletter will be published at the beginning of April. Contributions can be sent to

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