Collection of candidates for the dean's office opened
Dear colleagues
After a brief break, I have been granted the honor of addressing you once again – this time, as the Chair of the Electoral and Mandate Committee of the Academic Senate. The month of November marks the beginning of the “long shift” of the Committee, converging towards one of the most challenging tasks bestowed upon us as the Academic Senate – the election of the Dean of the Faculty of Arts. The election process will span from November to mid-January, with ample information about its course available at every point.
The election itself, along with its definitive terms and specifications, will be officially announced at the Senate session on November 8th. The deadline for official applications of the candidates will be set for November 30th. Throughout December, all candidates will meet with Academic Senate to present and discuss their programs – naturally, with the academic public being cordially invited. Finally, the election itself will take place in January. The Dean is elected by both Chambers of the Senate at once, and the candidates need to achieve a simple majority in the Senate to be elected. The dates of public debates, programs of the candidates, and all other information can be found on a special webpage.
As the Electoral and Mandate Committee, we now stand before a daunting task of the practical execution of the election – a task, however, that we were all aware of while accepting our seats in the Committee. In a broader sense, this is a serious task for the Academic Senate as such, as it will, to a large degree, be deciding about the future of the Faculty of Arts for another four years. As a Chair of the Committee, I would like to assure you that we will carefully oversee that the entire process is carried out in a spirit of fair play, equality of opportunities for all candidates, and impartiality. As a senator, I firmly believe that each one of us will cast a vote to the best of our knowledge and belief and that the best candidate shall win.
Best wishes
Chair of the Electoral and Mandate Committee of AS FF MU Ondřej Varaďa
As traditionally, we join the celebration of UNESCO World Philosophy Day by organizing the Humanities Week. The program of the event showcases the wide range of research and educational activities carried out at the Faculty and this year will focus thematically on the centenary of the start of teaching at the Faculty. However, it will also look to the future.
The Dean of the Faculty of Arts will present commemorative medals to important personalities who have contributed to the development of the faculty, science, and education.
The ceremony will take place on 15 November 2021 at 2:00 PM in the form of a live stream.
Another plaque on the faculty's facade will commemorate a prominent professor of Czech literature and rector of Masaryk University during the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.
The event will take place in conjunction with the awarding of commemorative medals on 15 November 2021 at 3:30 PM at the corner of Arna Nováka and Grohova streets.
The Dean traditionally recognizes outstanding scientific achievements of academics and students. We invite you to watch the live stream.
Let's commemorate together the events of 17 November 1939 and 1989, which should not be forgotten, and light up Brno again - from Freedom Square to Cow Hill.
Talks with the management
In the last of a series of interviews with the current faculty management, Dean Milan Pol looks back on the past term of office.
The start of teaching at the Faculty a hundred years ago was delayed by, among other things, pears. How did this happen? Read more about the pear affair, portray the story in any art form and win valuable prizes.
There is a 3D printer, a sewing machine, a virtual reality set, a plotter, and a button pressr. After training, anyone from staff or students can use all of them.
On 13 and 14 October 2021, two events presenting mobility opportunities (not only) within the Erasmus+ program took place at the MU Faculty of Arts. Don't be sad if you couldn't attend for any reason - you missed the opportunity to taste authentic Japanese okonomiyaki, but at least the video from the online event and both presentations can be found on the web. Erasmus Days are held every year, so don't miss them next time!
It takes place online on 23 November. Researchers from fields such as theatre studies, archaeology, and data curation will present their projects.
One is dedicated to the faculty infrastructure Digitalia MUNI ARTS, the other aggregates information about ongoing research at FF MU.
You will learn how to communicate effectively, prevent misunderstandings or overcome barriers in communication within the team.
The MU Rector's Office prepares workshops for beginners and advanced to learn about the JVS rules and their practical application.
A new service of taking portrait photographs is available to all FA MU employees.
Read a summary of the key findings from the survey in an analytical report.
What awaits us in the coming months
Mon 13 Sep – Fri 17 Dec 2021
Teaching part of the semester
Mon 15 – Fri 19 Nov 2021
The program of the event showcases the wide range of research and educational activities carried out at the Faculty and this year will focus thematically on the centenary of the start of teaching at the Faculty.
Mon 15 Nov 2021
The ceremony, combined with the awarding of commemorative medals to prominent personalities of faculty life, will be broadcast live from 2:00 PM. It will be followed by the unveiling of the memorial plaque at the corner of Arna Nováka and Grohova streets.
Tue 16 Nov 2021
During the Ceremony, the Dean of the Faculty will recognize the outstanding scientific achievements of academic staff and students. You can watch it live.
Mon 15 – Fri 19 Nov 2021
A series of five lectures and discussions on samurai culture, both material (the Japanese sword and its accessories) and spiritual and symbolic (history, humor, depiction of the samurai).
Wed 17 Nov 2021
Visit the recently renovated campus of the Faculty of Arts at Arna Nováka Street, where tradition and modernity are combined. We will also take you to the 1950s fallout shelter.
Wed 17 Nov 2021
Let's commemorate together the events of 17 November 1939 and 1989, which should not be forgotten, and light up Brno again - from Freedom Square to Cow Hill.
Wed 15 Dec 2021
At the public meeting of the MU Faculty of Arts Academic Senate at 01:00 p.m., the candidates for the position of MU Faculty of Arts Dean will present their programme and introduce their prospective Vice-Deans. A moderated discussion will follow.
Other events can be found in the calendar of events on the website. For all study dates, see the schedule in IS.
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The next issue of the faculty newsletter will be released at the beginning of December. Contributions can be sent to