english | Change sector

Learning Aims

1. Economically regarded households are actors in the market economy, who - on the one hand as consumers - demand goods and - on the other hand as suppliers - offer factors of production. They particularly offer labour but also the factors capital (saving) and soil (properties). Economies are different. They may be perfect, oligopolistic or monopolistic

Students should understand different market conditions such as determined by perfect, oligopolistic and monopolistic competitions and behave and consume in accordance with that market structure in order to maximize their own use.

Students know the meaning of the household in the market economy. They are strengthened for economic acting in their role as a consumer. They know their wants and needs and they know that their resources are limited. That means also that they recognize business sales strategies as well as the knowledge of fundamental legal regulations, which refer to sales contracts. Finally students should reflect the effects of their own consumer's behaviour under the aspect of the ecological responsibility, in order to change their consumer's behaviour regarding principles of sustainable development.

2. Households are also business enterprises. To run a household means therefore to follow the principles of economical rationality. Households obtain incomes and have costs for the subsistence of their members, which should be as small as possible. To save time, the organization and distribution of work should be as rational as in business enterprises.

Students know and use chances to run a household in a rational way regarding financial management and organization of work.

3. Under aspects of sociology households are not only economical actors but also particularly places of human life, which substantially determine the quality of life.

Students become acquainted with the diversity and variety of modern household forms as well as their constant change. They respect the variability of ways of life, which are to be seen in household and family. They know the possibilities of a fair distribution of daily work in households and are ready to follow such principles.
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