Important Links

Welcome to the Czech Republic - Recommended pages! Large amount of useful information (climate, currency, visa, taxes, attractions, transport, ...).

Masaryk University Brno and its Faculty of Arts.
Important departments: Department of Archeology and Museology, Department of Museology, UNESCO Chair of Museology and World Heritage.

Brno, second largest city of the Czech republic.
Includes tourist information, city maps, cultural life and history of the city.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Czech republic.
Foreign policy, travel and living information, list of Czech Missions and Offices abroad, useful links.

Ministry of Culture, Czech Republic.
Floods 2002, National and regional culture, Arts and libraries, etc.

Czech Committee of ICOM.

Kultura on-line: Cultural Heritage of Czech Republic, only in Czech language.

Museums in Czech Republic, AMG - Association of Museums and Galeris of Czech Republic.