Translating Creation: Terms for the Biblical Concept of Creation in Translations

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Rok publikování 2024
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis This paper analyzes the translations of Biblical terms expressing God's creative act (especially the Hebrew bara? ‘to create’, asah ‘to make’ and yatsar ‘to form’) in the Genesis creation narrative into various languages and the semantic and interreligious implications of these translations. The paper will primarily focus on the East Asian region (China, Vietnam, Korea), whose religious identity was shaped by non-monotheistic religious traditions. In particular, I will attempt to examine whether and how the translations distinguish the language used to describe Creation as a sacred act associated exclusively with the monotheistic God (‘Above’) from the language used about human acts belonging to the profane realm (‘Below’), and how Biblical cosmology is reflected in languages and cultures shaped by different religious systems.
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