The Gypsywood Players

*** SINCE 1965 ***

The Brno English Department Theatre Group

April 2013 Update: A few photos have been added, some re-scanned for larger size and/or digitally remastered. Also, a Gypsywood Facebook page is under way, and more! So stay tuned...

Jessie Kocmanová
Jessie Kocmanová (1974)

Don Sparling and Jessie Kocmanová
Don Sparling and Jessie Kocmanová

This page offers facsimiles of typewritten Gypsywood programmes as well as photographs and other material. Most of it, including the script of the titles, comes directly from the Gypsywood chronicles.

Many thanks to students who helped convert the Gypsywood chronicles to the electronic form.
Please direct comments and suggestions to Jiří Rambousek

Click here for an alphabetical List of Gypsywood Participants (342 names)!

Chronological list of Gypsywood Productions:

Titles marked [VIDEO] are available in the English Department Library on a VHS casette; however, they can only be watched in the Self Access Center.

1965: The Dear Departed by Stanley Houghton
1966: Amateur Absurdity (Harold Pinter and Edward Albee)
1967 (SPRING): W. W. Jacobs: The Monkey's Paw; Muriel Spark: The Interview / The Party through the Wall
1967 (AUTUMN): Doctors of Philosophy by Muriel Spark
1968 (SPRING): Billy Liar by Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall
1969 - - -
1970 - - -
1971 (SPRING): Heartbreak House by George Bernard Shaw
1971 (AUTUMN): Getting Married by George Bernard Shaw
1972 (SPRING): School Play by Donald Howarth
1972 (AUTUMN): A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
1973 - - -
1974: Twelfth Night or What You Will by William Shakespeare
1975: The Admirable Crichton by J. M. Barrie
1976: The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde
1977: As You Like It by William Shakespeare
1978: My Fair Lady (based on Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw)
1979: The Beggar's Opera by John Gay
1980: Absurd Person Singular by Alan Ayckbourn
1981: The Season at Sarsaparilla by Patrick White
1982: Habeas Corpus by Alan Bennett
1983: The Matchmaker by Thornton Wilder
1984: Kidnapped at Christmas by Willis Hall
1985: The Late Christopher Bean by Sidney Howard
1986: Plunder by Ben Travers [VIDEO]
1987: Arsenic and Old Lace by Joseph Kesselring
1988 (SPRING): Oh What a Lovely War by Theatre Workshop
1988 (AUTUMN): Alligator Man by Jack A. Kaplan [VIDEO], Trevor by John Bowen [VIDEO]
1989: Animal Farm by George Orwell
1990: Oh What a Lovely War by Theatre Workshop (revived)
1991: Hamlet by W. Shakespeare and Tom Stoppard [VIDEO] / God by Woody Allen [VIDEO]
1992: Sweetie Pie by ??? [VIDEO]
1993 - - -
1994(?): PRIME 121 (an "off-Gypsywood" production with a small participation of actual English Department students)
1995 - - -
1996 (SPRING): The Freedom of the City by Brian Friel
1996 (AUTUMN): An associated group of Duše ples: Czech version of Oleanna by David Mamet
1998: The Death of the Donnelys by Ted Johns
1998 Sonety [??? - VIDEO]
1999: Murder in the Cathedral by T. S. Eliot [VIDEO]


(Click for larger image)


The very first [not yet Gypsywood] Players (click to enlarge)










The Dear Departed

A Comedy in One Act by

Stanley Houghton



Mrs. Amelia Slater                      Lida Molerová
Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan                   Martina Zoubková

Henry Slater                            Miroslav Dostál
                   Their Husbands
Ben Jordan                              Ivo Semerád

Victoria Slater    A Girl of Ten        Jana Vorálková

Abel Merryweather                       Ladislav Drezdovič

Prompter: Miss Blažena Pšurná
(Prompter in the Audience: Miss Lenka Zemanová)
Make Up: Miss Blažena Pšurná

Directed by: Dr. J. Kocmanová, CSc.


(Click here for the actual layout of the first page of the programme transcribed below.)

g i p s y w o o d   c o m m u n i t y   d r a m a    g r o u p
        p r o g r a m m e   o f   p l a y l e t s

amateur absurdity

an adventure in the                      drama of the absurd
       thursday 13th october 1966 at seven-thirty p.m.

                    p r o g r a m m e

h a r o l d   p i n t e r ....... t r o u b l e   i n   t h e
                                                w o r k s  
s c e n e ............ an office in a factory

                        c a s t

mr.  f i b b s .... o w n e r ......... mr. semerád
mr.  w i l l s .... m a n a g e r ..... mr. drezdovič

                         x x x

e d w a r d   a l b e e .......... t h e   s a n d p i t 
s c e n e .... a sea-shore with sandpit in centre

                        c a s t

y o u n g   m a n ... the angel of death ... mr. brídl
m o m m y ........... typical prosperous
d a d d y ........... and selfish american
                      couple ............... miss rybová
                                             mr. semerád
g r a n n y ......... a feeble but charming
                      old lady, regarded as
                      a nuisance by the 
                      above ................ miss nevrlá
m u s i c i a n ..... a necessary, conventional
                      accompaniment to any
                      respectable funeral .. mr. antonín

                         x x x

h a r o l d   p i n t e r ........ r e q u e s t   s t o p
s c e n e .... a queue at a request bus stop

                        c a s t

w o m a n ........... an aggressive and sensa-
                      tion-seeking racialist as
                      well as what her last words
                      reveal her in fact 
                      to be ................ miss zoubková    
m e m b e r s  o f  t h e  q u e u e .. members of the company 

                          x x x

i n t e r v a l   f o r   r e c o v e r y   r a t h e r   t h a n 
                       r e f r e s h m e n t

                          x x x

h a r o l d   p i n t e r ..... t h e   l a s t   t o   g o 
s c e n e ................. an all-night coffee stall

                         c a s t

b a r m a n .......................... mr. drezdovič
n e w s p a p e r   s e l l e r ...... mr. brídl

                          x x x

h a r o l d   p i n t e r ........ t h e  b l a c k  a n d   w h i t e
s c e n e .......... the black and white - an all-night milk bar
                                              in fleet street

                         c a s t
f i r s t   o l d   w o m a n ........ miss čapounová
s e c o n d   o l d   w o m a n ...... miss rybová

                          x x x

h a r o l d   p i n t e r ...... t h e   a p p l i c a n t 
s c e n e ...... an office

                         c a s t
miss p i f f s ... the essence of efficiency ... miss vorálková
mr. l a m b ...... the applicant ............... mr. antonín

s o u n d   e f f e c t s   b y   c o u r t e s y   o f
                h l a d k y   m o t o r s   ltd.

n o t e :  the management stresses on behalf of the wardrobe mistress
that any resemblance of costume to garments recognizable by members
of the audience is purely fortuitous and quite unavoidable.

1967 (SPRING)

See the
actual layout of the programme.
Thursday, 9th March, 1967                                         8 p.m.

                              THIRD SEASON

                E N O R M O U S   A T T R A C T I O N !

         M Y S T E R Y !  H O R R O R !!!  S U S P E N S E !!!!!

                 Part I: A Little Old-Fashioned Horror

                   T H E   M O N K E Y ' S   P A W
                             W. W. Jacobs

Scene I  : The comfortable, homely kitchen of a small house in Lovers'
           Lane, Fulham, about seventy years ago, on a windy night.
Scene II : The same. A sunny morning, next day.
Scene III: About a week later. Midnight.


Mr. White ... A quick-tempered but good-hearted old man
              of humble origin ............................. Mr. Šuráň
Mrs. White .. A dear old soul ............................ Miss Nevrlá
Herbert ..... their only son. A fine young fellow,
              electrician at the Fulham power-station .... Mr. Antonín
Sgt.-Major Morris ... A one-armed veteran of the British
              Army in India. Fond of a yarn, still
              fonder of a glass .......................... Mr. Brídl
Mr. Sampson ... Representing the power-station ........... Mr. Růžička

                          I N T E R V A L
               Part II: Some Contemporary Ambiguity. Two plays by
                      M u r i e l   S p a r k

                     T H E   I N T E R V I E W

Scene: The Study of Dame's Lettice's Knighbridge flat. Late afternoon
       in winter.  Fog.


Dame Lettice ... a well-known political figure of the
                 twenties, now writing her memoirs .... Miss Čapounová
Miss Bone ("Tiggy") ... Her Secretary ................. Miss Rybová
Roy ............. Her Nephew .......................... Mr. Růžička

          T H E   P A R T Y   T H R O U G H   T H E   W A L L

Scene: A bomb-damaged street in Kensington.


The Narrator (Dr. Fell) ............................... Mr. Brídl
Miss Edith Carson ..................................... Miss Vorálková
Housekeeper ........................................... Miss Nevrlá
The Countess .......................................... Miss Čapounová

            TO  F A I N T   Q U I E T L Y   IN THEIR SEATS.

1967 (AUTUMN)

              T h e   G y p s y w o o d   P l a y e r s
                            p r e s e n t

              D O C T O R S   O F   P H I L O S O P H Y

                        A Play in Three Acts


                       M U R I E L   S P A R K

                         C h a r a c t e r s

CHARLIE DELFONT, University Lecturer in Economics ..... Mr. BRÍDL
                 "I'm out of pocket with your job"

CATHERINE, his wife, a Grammar-School teacher ......... Miss NEVRLÁ
                 "I've got as good a degree as Leonora has, 
             and I didn't go round inviting men to give me a child"

LEONORA, Catherine's cousin, University Lecturer in Greek ...
                                                        Miss ČAPOUNOVÁ
           "Charlie, give me a child, I wish to conceive a child"

Mrs. S., the daily help ............................... Miss ŽÁDNÁ
           "After six years going on seven in an academic
       household I've learned to preserve my detachment and
       scolarly calm on the other side of the door."

DAPHNE, the Delfonts' Daughter ....................... Miss DROZENOVÁ
           "What's the matter with her?"
           "Moral arrogance. She's been insufferable since she
       was arrested with Bertrand Russell."

CHARLIE BROWN, a great, hulking lorrie driver ........ Mr. DREZDOVIČ
           "Lot books you got. I got a book at home,
       might interest you."

YOUNG CHARLIE, Daphne's boy friend ................... Mr. ANTONÍN
           "Women are women to me, not ideas."

ANNIE WOOD, Catherine's other cousin ................. Miss VORÁLKOVÁ
           "I always say, Charlie, it's a woman's world
       when all is said and done."

Mrs. WESTON, Young Charlie's Mother .................. Miss DOHNALOVÁ
           "You scholars are not realists, that's my theory."

Scene: Charlie Delfont's house overlooking the Regent's Canal, London.
Time: the present. The action takes place during the summer vacation,
over about 3 weeks.

Décor: Miss Vorálková, Senior. Lights: Mr. Semerád. Tape-Recorder: Miss

Special Prologue for this occasion only spoken by CHARLIE SMITH.
                     Electrician: Mr. SEMERÁD.

1968 (SPRING)

            T h e   G i p s y w o o d   P l a y e r s

                          p r e s e n t

                 B I L L Y             L I A R

                               B Y

 Keith Waterhouse              and                 Willis Hall

                             C A S T
                       in order of appearance

Florence Boothroyd, Billy's grandmother .......... Miss Žádná
Geoffrey Fisher, his father ...................... Mr. Vičar
Alice Fisher, his mother ......................... Miss Dohnalová
Billy Fisher, "Billy Liar" ....................... Mr. Antonín
Arthur Crabtree, his friend ...................... Mr. Řezníček
Barbara, his fiancée ............................. Miss Drozenová
Rita, his girl friend ............................ Miss Uhdeová
Liz, his true love, perhaps ...................... Miss Štědroňová

Scene: The home of the Fisher family. A typical lower-middle-class
house in an industrial town in the North of England.
Time: England in the fifties.
Scenery by Miss Vorálková
Phonetic Consultant: Mr. J. Ondráček.
The music and lyric of the song "Billy Liar" are by Mr. Peter Antonín
and Collective.

1971 (SPRING)

Click here for two photographs of the ensemble

              T h e   G y p s y w o o d   P l a y e r s

                                 i n

                   H e a r t b r e a k   H o u s e

                                 b y

                         George Bernard Shaw

Characters in order of their appearance:

Nurse Guinness, an elderly servant              Miss Štědroňová
Ellie Dunn, a young girl                        Miss Pravencová
Captain Shotover                                Mr. Paton
Lady Utterwood, his younger daughter, Ariadne   Miss Kropilová
Mrs. Hushabye, his elder daughter, Hesione      Miss Uhdeová
Mr. Mazzini Dunn, Ellie's father, a born 
   soldier of freedom and unsuccessful
   business man                                 Mr. Vojtek
Boss Mangan, an extremely
   successful business man                      Mr. Prokop
Mr. Randall Utterword, Ariadne's
   brother-in-law, a dilettante diplomat        Mr. Pospíšil
Mr. William Dunn, ex-pirate,
   ex-bo'sun, and burglar                       Mr. Pala

Scene: Act I, Act II: the living-room 
                      of Captain Shotover's country house
             Act III: the garden of the same
Time and Place: cultured, leisured Europe before World War I; or,
                any time, any place

                Scenery: Miss Malinová
                Stage manager and Prompter: Miss Malinová

Incidental Music composed, arranged and performed by Mr. Paton
         The Gypsywood Madrigal ans Shanty Consort

           Adaptation: the Gypsywood Resident Playwright
           Production: the Gypsywood Resident Producer
        Scene-shiting: the Gypsywood Resident Scene-shifter

  Crockery by courtesy of the Gypsywood Kitchen Staff
Captain Shotover's cap by the Hatmakers to H. M., without permission

                                           April 2, 1971

1971 (AUTUMN)


(Click on the pictures for full size versions.)

the gypsywood players .............. gypsywood curtain theatre

              g e t t i n g   m a r r i e d

          g e o r g e   b e r n a r d   s h a w

Scene: the former kitchen in the ancient Gothic Palace of Alfred
       Bridgenorth, Bishop of Chelsea
Time:  Early Twentieth Century, shortly after the Boer War

            Characters in order of their appearance:

CECIL SYKES .................................... ZDENĚK KOPECKÝ
EDITH BRIDGENORTH .............................. EVA PRAVENCOVÁ
FATHER ANTHONY SOAMES .......................... EMIL KUBÁT
THE BEADLE ..................................... FRANTIŠEK PALA

Scenery, Lighting and Incidental Music by the Gypsywood Galliard Group

                       Produced by Command 

Gypsywood Curtain Theatre                        December 1971

1972 (SPRING)

25.5.1972                                                   BRNO
               T H E   G Y P S Y W O O D   P L A Y E R S 
              - on the occasion of the visit to Brno of -
                 P r o f e s s o r   S c h u b i g e r

                     " S C H O O L   P L A Y "
                           Donald Howarth

Scene: A Classroom             Time: Getting on for the end of term

                 Characters in order of appearance:

T e a c h e r ................... Petr Antonín, H.G.P.*)

S t u d e n t s:
O n e       (A l i c e) ...... Andrea J e ř á b k o v á, H.G.P.*)
T w o       (B e r t i e) .... Blahoslav D o k o u p i l
T h r e e   (Elizabeth) ...... Helena K o v á ř o v á
F o u r     (V e r o n i c a). Věra V a š í n o v á
F i v e     (L e t t i e) .... Ladislava K r o p i l o v á, H.G.P.*)
S e v e n   (R o s i e) ...... Renata L i š k o v á
E i g h t   (M i l d r e d) .. Milena Ř í č a ř o v á
N i n e     (J a n e) ........ Jana B e r n a r d o v á
T e n       (K i t t y) ...... Kety Ž i v k o v á
E l e v e n (J o a n) ........ Jana N o v o t n á
T w e l v e (P a t r i c k) .. Pavel V o j t e k, H.G.P.*)

S i x       (R e g g i e) .... Václav K ř í ž

Prompter and Stage Manager ... Jindra M a l i n o v á, H.G.P.*)

Incidental Music: Gypsywood Madrigal and Folk-Song Enterprises
                                          (Copyright Reserved)

*) Honoured Gypsywood Player

           A   G Y P S Y W O O D   P R O D U C T I O N

1972 (AUTUMN)


First HGP's announced – click here!

                           T H E   B I L L
             of that Sweet and Delectable Comedy .........

        A   M i d s u m m e r   N i g h t' s   D r e a m

                    Master William Shakespeare
given this Day by the Free Company of Gypsywood Players at the
                         Curtain Theatre of

                         Persons of the Play:
Duke THESEUS ...................................... Jan Zubek
HIPPOLYTA, Queen of the Amazons ................... Eva Pravencová
PHILOSTRATE, Master of the revels ................. Dagmar Burianová
EGEUS, Father to Hermia ........................... Jiří Provazník
HERMIA, his Daughter, in love with Lysander ....... Helena Kovářová
LYSANDER, in love with Hermia ..................... Petr Antonín
DEMETRIUS, Suitor to Hermia ....................... Blahoslav Dokoupil
HELENA, in love with Demetrius .................... Věra Vašinová
NICK BOTTOM, a Weaver, playing Pyramus ............ Miroslav Pospíšil
PETER QUINCE, a Carpenter, Speaker of the Prologue. Tim Bowen
FRANCIS FLUTE, a Bellows-Mender, playing Thisbe ... Jana Bernardová
SNUG, a Joiner, playing Lion ...................... Jan Vrabel
TOM SNOUT, a Tinker, playing Wall ................. František Pala
ROBIN STARVELING, a Tailor, playing Moonshine ..... Leonard Boček
OBERON, King of the Fairies ....................... Miloš Bartoň
TITANIA, Queen of the Fairies ..................... Jana Novotná
PUCK, hight Robin Goodfellow ...................... Milena Řičařová
PEASEBLOSSOM ...................................... Ketty Živková
COBWEB ............................................ Jana Bernardová
MUSTARDSEED ....................................... Ludmila Kozáčková
    Prompters ... Dagmar Burianová, Ludmila Kozáčková
MISTRESS OF THE STAGE AND WARDROBE ................ Ludmila Kozáčková
MISTRESS OF THE FAIRY DANCING ..................... Ketty Živková
MASTER OF THE MADRIGALISTS ........................ Aleš Svoboda
MADRIGALISTS OF GYPSYWOOD: Marie Zálešáková, Eva Pokorná, Ludmila
Laxová, Tamara Vraštilová, Barbora Trhlíková, Ladislav Ošmera
MASTER OF THE MUSIC TO THE PLAYERS ................ Petr Antonín
INDUCTOR OF THE MUSIC ............................. Leonard Boček
                 Humbly Presented to your Worships



              T H E   G Y P S Y W O O D   P L A Y E R S

                      T W E L F T H   N I G H T
                      W H A T   Y O U   W I L L
                W I L L I A M   S H A K E S P E A R E

Scene: A city in Illyria, and the sea-coast near it.

             Persons of the play (in order of appearance)

Orsino, Duke of Illyria                       Ladislav Rabušic
Curio               gentlemen attending       Vladimír Ošmera
Valentino               on the Duke           Jiří Kudrnáč
Viola, sister to Sebastian                    Jana Bernardová
A Sea Captain, friend to Viola                Miroslav Olšanský
Sir Toby Belch, cousin to Olivia              Jan Zubek
Maria, gentlewoman, attending on Olivia       Milena Řičařová
Sir Andrew Aguecheek, a foolish knight        Miloš Bartoň
Feste, a Clown, in Olivia's service           Kety Živková
Olivia, a rich countess,                      Jana Novotná
              in mourning for her brother
Malvolio, steward to Olivia                   Jaroslav Andrýsek
Sebastian, brother to Viola                   Blahoslav Dokoupil
Antonio, a sea captain, friend to Sebastian   Vladimír Ošmera
Fabian, servant to Olivia                     Miroslav Olšanský
Officer, on the service of Orsino             Jiří Kudrnáč
Priest, from the near-by chantry              Jiří Kudrnáč

Music by the Gypsywood Madrigalists
Directed by Tamara Vraštilová

             Barbora Kochwasserová
             Eva Pokorná
             Libuše Chmelová
             Hana Schejbalová
             Jana Mazuchová
             Marie Zálešáková
             Zuzana Staršíchová

Arrangements of Folk Songs and Madrigals: Tamara Vraštilová
Dance and Movement Advisor: Tamara Vraštilová
Design and Publicity: Eva Vávrová
Costumes: The Gypsywood Theatrical Costumes Cooperative
Voice Production Assistant: Miroslav Pospíšil, H.G.F.P. (Honoured
                                 Gypsywood Former Player)
Lighting Effects: O. Duke
Prompter: Hana Jelínková


Left: Miroslav Pospíšil and Jana Bernardová (Průšová)

Right: Milena Říčařová (Krhutová), Jessie Kocmanová, Reg Edwards

                       The Gypsywood Players
                      The Admirable Crichton
                           J.M. Barrie
                     Prior-to-Brno Production

                  C a s t  (in order of appearance)
Narrator ............................. Irena Brichtová (Guest Artist)
Crichton ............................. H.G.P. Miroslav Pospíšil
The Honourable Ernest Woolley ........ Jiří Kudrnáč
Lady Agatha Lasenby .................. H.G.P. Milena Řičařová
Lady Catharine Lasenby ............... Tamara Berková
Lady Mary Lasenby .................... H.G.P. Jana Bernardová
The Reverend John Treherne ........... Ladislav Rabušic
The Earl of Loam ..................... Reg Edwards (Guest Artist)
Lord Brocklehurst .................... Jaroslva Andrýsek
Mrs. Perkins, tho housekeeper ........ H.G.P. Tamara Vraštilová
M. Fleury, the Chef .................. Jan Zubek
Mr. Rolleston, the Valet ............. Miroslav Olšanský
Tompsett, the Coachman ............... Miloš Bartoň
Fisher, Lady Mary's maid ............. G.M. Doubravka Jazyková
Simmons, Lady Catherine's maid ....... Irena Brichtová
Jeanne, Lady Agatha's maid ........... G.M. Marie Zálešáková
John, a footman ...................... Vítězslav Veselý
Jane, a Parlourmaid .................. G.M. Hana Masaryková
Gladys, a Housemaid .................. G.M. Jana Mazuchová
Betsy, a Kitchenmaid ................. G.M. Libuše Tolcarová
Tweeney, a Between-maid .............. H.G.P. Kety Živková
A Stable-boy ......................... G.M. Eva Pokorná
A Page-boy ........................... G.M. Zuzana Staršíchová
A Naval Officer ...................... Jan Zubek
The Countess of Brocklehurst ......... Jessie Kocmanová

Incidental Music by the Gypsywood Madrigalists, under the direction
                    of H.G.M. Tamara Vraštilová

Set Design ........................... Irena Brichtová (Associate
                                           Gypsywood Designer)
Assistants ........................... V. Veselý, M. Olšanský, B. Walker
Scenic Artist ........................ E. Vávrová
Assistant ............................ Yvona Železná
Lighting ............................. Ladislav Rabušic
Sound ................................ Jan Zubek, Miloš Bartoň
Elocution and Speech Advisers ........ I. Brichtová,M.A.(Hons.), Reg.
                                       Edwards, B.A.(Hons.)
Prompters ... H.G.P. Jana Novotná, Irena Brichtová
                      Produced by Jessie Kocmanová


Tamara Berková and Jessie Kocmanová (click to enlarge)

Tamara Berková and Ladislav Rabušic | Tamara Berková

                         The Gypsywood Players
                    The Importance of Being Earnest
                 "A Trivial Comedy for Serious People"
                               Oscar Wilde
                preceded by an exclusive interview with
                       the Shade of Oscar Wilde

                      The Interview        C Copyright Gypsywood 1976

Interviewer ..................... Jan Zubek
Oscar Wilde ..................... Miloš Bartoň

                      The Play

Lane, a servant .................. Miroslav Olšanský
Mr. Algernon Moncrieff ........... Ladislav Rabušic
Mr. Jack Worthing ................ Jiří Kudrnáč
Lady Bracknell ................... Jessie Kocmanová
Miss Gwendolen Fairfax ........... Marie Krylová
Miss Cicely Cardew ............... Tamara Berková
Miss Prism ....................... Doubravka Jazyková
Canon Chasuble ................... Jaroslav Andrýsek
Merriman, a Butler ............... Vítězslav Veselý

The Gypsywood Madrigal Singers:
Tamara Vraštilová, Zuzana Studená, Libuše Tokárová,
Eva Keřkovská, Marie Zálešáková, Hana Masaryková

Musical Director: Tamara Vraštilová
Stage Design by Eva Vavrová
Stage Manager and Prompters: Lane and Merriman
Technical Experts: Jan Zubek and Miloš Bartoň
Special Advice on Phonetics by Docent Jan Firbas
                  and Dr. Jaroslav Ondráček
Sullivan's music from "Patience" and other operas 
                  arranged by Tamara Vraštilová

Directed and Produced by Jessie Kocmanová

General Advice by Everybody

"In these degenerate times, the amateur is the only
true professional" - The Shade of Oscar Wilde.

"It is written by a butterfly for butterflies" 
                    - Oscar Wilde on The Importance of Being Earnest.

Men and women at work, 1976? (click for full size)


               T H E   G Y P S Y W O O D   P L A Y E R S

                       A S   Y O U   L I K E   I T

                  W i l l i a m   S h a k e s p e a r e

                                revised by 
                             An Unknown Hand

Pre-premiere performance                      Premiere performance
Gypsywood, 2nd December, 1977                 Brno, 9th January, 1978

                  I n   a s s o c i a t i o n   w i t h

           T H E   G Y P S Y W O O D   M A D R I G A L I S T S

                             P L A Y E R S

Orlando,youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys .. HGP Ladislav Rabušic
Adam, his old servant ........................ HGP Jaroslav Andrýsek
Oliver, oldest son of Sir Rowland ............ Vítězslav Veselý
Charles the Wrestler ......................... Pavel Landecký
Celia, daughter to Frederick ................. Tamara Berková
Rosalind, daughter to the exiled Duke ........ M. Krylová, I. Gardavská
Touchstone, a clown .......................... Don Sparling
Le Beau, a Courtier .......................... Hana Jelínková
Duke Frederick, the Usurper .................. Miroslav Hanák
The Exiled Duke .............................. Miroslav Hanák
Amiens, his attendent in exile ............... HGP Miroslav Olšanský
Lord              - " -        ............... Milena Greplová
1st Lord, attendant on Duke Frederick ........ Milena Greplová
2nd Lord,             - " -           ........ HGP Miroslav Olšanský
Corin, an old shepherd ....................... Pavel Landecký
Silvius, a young shepherd .................... HGP Miroslav Olšanský
Jaques, a melancholy Lord .................... HGP Jiří Kudrnáč
Audrey, a country wench ...................... Naďa Holíková
Phebe, a shepherdess ......................... Doubravka Jazyková
Sir Oliver Martext, a Vicar .................. HGP Jaroslav Andrýsek
William, a simple countryman ................. HGP Jaroslav Andrýsek
Jack, another son of Sir Rowland ............. Milena Greplová

             Scenery, properties, wardrobe: Eva Chalupová
     Country songs and dance: adapted from traditioanl folk airs
             Prompters: Olga Hubáčková, Hana Škrabánková
                  Assistant Producer: Hana Jelínková
          Produced and directed by Jessie  K o c m a n o v á

SCENE: The Court                           (HGP: Honoured Gypsywood Player)
       The Forest of Arden

           T H E   G Y P S Y W O O D   M A D R I G A L I S T S

           Jana Baláčová                     Kateřina Duží
           Iva Gardavská                     Věra Hranáčová
           Marie Janková                     Lea Kesslová
           Lenka Kysilková                   Štěpánka Kšicová
           Ludmila Markesová                 Vladimír Richter
           Ivo Rušák                         Jiří Klecker

              Artistic Director:  A l e š   S v o b o d a


Naďa Holíková (Kudrnáčová)

Designing costumes
28 photos you may not know - from Iva Gilbertová's collection!

                     THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


                    M Y   F A I R   L A D Y

              Based on PYGMALION by BERNARD SHAW

Adaptations, lyrics: Alan Jay Lerner; music by Frederick Loewe
Arranged for instrumental and vocal group by Aleš Svoboda and
     Michael Beckermann

Clara Eynsford-Hill ....................... Hana Škrabánková
Mrs Eynsford-Hill ......................... Tamara Berková HGP*)
Freddy Eynsford-Hill ...................... Jaromír Kosík
Eliza Doolitle ............................ Iva Gardavská
Colonel Pickering ......................... Jiří Kudrnáč HGP*)
Prof. Henry Higgins ....................... Don Sparling
Alfred P. Doolittle ....................... Pavel Landecký
Mrs Pearce ................................ Doubravka Jazyková HGP*)
Mrs Hopkins ............................... Olga Hubáčková
Mrs Higgins ............................... Naděžda Holíková
Prof. Zoltán Karpathy ..................... Michael Beckermann
Queen of Transylvania ..................... Hana Jelínková
Hoxton Man; Bartender; Angry Man
Butler; Policeman; Footman ................ Milan Trávníček
Chauffeur; Footman; Man at fire ........... Pavel Krška
Flower Girl ............................... Vladimíra Kvašninová
Bystanders; Angry People; Embassy Guests;   Karen Beckerman, Jarmila
People at fire ............................ Bednaříková, Milena Greplo-
          vá, Vladimíra Kvašninová, Zuzana Michálková
Tap-dance feature ......................... Hana Rajecká
                     Prompter: Hana Škrabánková
Production Assistants: Hana Jelínková, Jarmila Bednaříková, 
Naděžda Holíková, Vladimíra Kvašninová, Zuzana Michálková

Scenic Design and Publicity: Eva Chalupová HGSA**)
Production Consultants:      Don Sparling, Michael Beckerman

*) Honoured Gypsywood Player  **) Honoured Gypsywood Scenic Artist


???, Iva Gardavská, ???

Lucy Lockit's Costume
9 photos you don't know - from Iva Gilbertovás collection!

                               THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


                                THE BEGGAR'S  OPERA


                                     JOHN GAY

with the original Airs arranged for voice,
guitar and double bass by Aleš Svoboda, František Malý, Vladimír Richter
Beggar (the author)..................................Pavel Krška
Player...............................................Jan Kuneš
Peachum, Informer and Trafficker in Stolen Goods.....Pavel Landecký
Mrs. Peachum, his wife...............................Milena Greplová
Polly, their Daughter................................Iva Gardavská, HGP*
Filch, a young Pickpocket............................Jaromír Kosík
Macheath, a Highwayman...............................Don Sparling
Lockit, Chief Jailor at Newgate......................Milan Trávníček
Lucy, his Daughter...................................Naděžda Kudrnáčová, HGP*
Mrs. Trapes, a Madam.................................Olga Hubáčková
Macheath's Gang......................................Pavel Krška, Jan Kuneš,
     Ivo Tichý, Stanislav Krejčiřík, Jaromír Kosík
Ladies of the Town...................................Zuzana Michálková, Sylva
     Sýkorová, Helena Mertlíková, Libuše Muroňová, Hana Škrabánková, Zuzana 
     Kudrnová, Jarmila Bednaříková

* Honoured Gypsywood Player
     Prompter:               Helena Mertlíková
     Stage Managers:         Zuzana Michálková
                             Jarmila Bednaříková

     Costumes:               Hana Škrabánková
                             Milena Greplová
                             Jarmila Bednaříková

     Scenic Design:          Stanislav Krejčiřík
                             Vladimír, guitar
                             František Malý, double bass

     Associate Producer:     Don Sparling

     Musical Director:       Aleš Svoboda

     Director and Producer:  Jessie Kocmanová


Zuzana Kudrnová, Helena Mertlíková, Tomáš Pospíšil | Jessie Kocmanová

Tomáš Pospíšil, Zuzana Michálková, Helena Mertlíková (and Jaroslav Kosík...) | Jaroslav Kosík

                             Gypsywood Players


                           ABSURD PERSON SINGULAR


                              Alan Ayckbourn

Jane Hopcroft                            Helena Mertlíková
Sidney Hopcroft                          Jaromír Kosík, HGP*
Ronald Brewster-Wright                   Tomáš Pospíšil
Marion Brewster-Wright                   Zuzana Kudrnová
Geoffrey Jackson                         Radek Klepáč
Eva Jackson                              Zuzana Michálková
Dick and Lottie Potter (voices off)      Jan Kuneš and Jarmila Bednaříková

Scene Design                             Stanisalv Krejčiřík
Music, lighting, scenic effects          Ivo Tichý, Stanislav Bradáč
Special sound effects                    Jarmila Bednaříková
Wardrobe mistress                        Marie Martináková
Properties                               Dagmar Bieronská
                                         Jaroslava Kadlecová
Prompter                                 Milena Pospíšilová
Speech Training                          Iva Gardavská, HGP*
                                         Naďa Kudrnáčová, HGP*

Directed and Produced by Jessie Kocmanová and Don Sparling

Act I:   Jane and Sidney's Kitchen: Last Christmas
Act II:  Eva and Geoffrey's Kitchen: This Christmas
Act III: Marion and Ronald's Kitchen: Next Christmas

*: Honoured Gypsywood Player

Gypsywood, Olomouc, Brno                 December 1980


Hana Komůrková as Mrs. Pogson | Sylva Sýkorová as Julia Sheen

Two more photographs with actors' names

                             GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


                        THE SEASON AT SARSAPARILLA

                     A Charade of Suburbia in Two Acts


                               Patrick White

Scene: Three Kithens in Mildred Street, Sarsaparilla, a suburb
          of Sydney, Australia. Time: Summer, 1961


Harry Knott     ...  a shop assistant in Men's Wear     ...Juraj Lajda
Mavis Knott     ...  his wife expecting her first baby  ...Zuzana Kudrnová
Roy Child       ...  her brother, a teacher             ...Tomáš Pospíšil

Clive Pogson    ...  a business man                     ...Richard Kovalovský

Girlie Pogson   ...his wife                             ...Hana Komůrková
Judy Pogson     ...their daughter, studying the violin  ...Eva Skryjová
Joyleen (Pippy) ...their little girl                    ...Mona Darghamová
Deedree         ...her little friend                    ...Jaroslava Kadlecová

Ernie Boyle     ..."a sanitary man" on                  ...Radek Klepáč
                   the sewage-disposal
Nola Boyle      ...his wife                             ...Helena Mertlíková
Rowley (Digger  ...his mate from World War II           ...Petr Mikulík
     Mason)        in the Western Desert

Ron Suddards    ...a post-office clerk                  ...Ivan Škarda
Julia Sheen     ...a model                              ...Silvie Sýkorová
Mr. Erbage      ...a self-made man, candidate           ...Jan Kuneš
                   for the Town Council
Two Ambulance
     Men        ...                                     ...Libor Beroun,
                                                           Karel Pala

Prompter: Milada Pospíšilová
Properties, Wardrobe: Věra Střelcová, Libuše Studecká
Sound, Scenic Effects, Lightings: Ivo Tichý, Stanislav Bradáč

Produced and Directed by Jessie Kocmanová and Don Sparling

Gypsywood, Brno, Olomouc, December 1981


Tomáš Pospíšil, Nora Reháková, Mona Darghamová

                            Gypsywood Players


              their Nineteenth Brno Premiere Performance:

                       Alan Bennett:  HABEAS CORPUS


Mr Purdue, a National Health Patient .....................Karel Pala
Dr Wicksteed, a general Practitioner in
     Hove, Brighton ......................................Radek Klepáč
Mrs Wicksteed ............................................Kateřina Kučerová
Mrs Swabb, the Cleaning Lady .............................Mona Darghamová
Dennis Wicksteed, a hypochondriac ........................Tomáš Pospíšil
Connie Wicksteed, his Aunt ...............................Nora Reháková
Canon Throbbing, the local clergyman .....................Ivan Škarda
Lady Rumpers, Widow of General Sir "Tiger"
     Rumpers .............................................Hana Komůrková
Felicity Rumpers, her Daughter ...........................Sylvie Sýkorová
Mr Shanks, a Commercial Traveller in Artifi-
     cial Bosom Appliancies ..............................Petr Mikulík
Sir Percy Shorter, President of the British
     Medical Association .................................A. Little-Sparrow

Music: Jana Nezmeškalová, Ivan Doležálek, with the expert advice of
       Mrs Zdena Kurfrstová

Properties: Věra Střelcová

Costumes: Mimii Matt

Prompters: Jiřina Koziolová, Mimii Matt

Stage Manager: Margita Penčevová

          Directed and produced by Jessie Kocmanová and Don Sparling

the Gypsywood Premiere at Cikháj is dedicated to professor Zdeněk
S t ř í b r n ý, DrSc., an old friend of Gypsywood Players, in tribute
to the occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday.

A Note On the Play:
ALAN BENNETT, author of several comedies which have been successful on the London stage, is not, perhaps, compared with other contemporary dramatists, explicitely "progressive". But as a writer who sees deeply into at least some of the ills of contemporary, the genre he has chosen is the centuries-old commedia delarte as it has branched out on the English stage into the satirical farce, the slapstick comedy and the Christmas Pantomime - from all of which elements appear in H a b e a s C o r p u s (the title comes from the English law forbidding wrongful imprisonment without trial - and perhaps we are to take it in the sense that all the characters are imprisoned in their own personalities and their own bodies).

The idea of the "Permissive Society" to which several references are made, a popular phenomenon in England of the late Sixties and Seventies, was directed against personal limitation by social rules and conventions - sexual or otherwise.

In spite of the exceedingly funny black comedy and farce, or rather, by its means, Bennet presents a long vista of hte past three generations - the colonial arrogance of Lady Rumpers, always regretting the golden days before World War II, the nostalgic, allienated middle age of Doctor and Mrs. Wicksteed, the self-centered aimless youth of Dennis and Felicity. Add to these the raging inferiority complex of Sir Percy Shorter, the little man who has worked himself up to be President of the British Medical Asssociation and now seeks REVENGE for the humiliations he had suffered because of his littleness - not to mention the humble, innocent despair of Mr. Purdue, who cannot afford to be a "private patient", but must put up with the comparative neglect he gets on the "National Health".

The sex-starved Connie, the too-innocent Canon Throbbing, the puzzled Mr Shanks - all suffer from the stress and strain of a society where people, apparently pursuing sex (deviant or otherwise) day and night, in fact do not love and do not know how to love.

All is presided over by the strange figure of Mrs Swabb, the cleaning lady, who says she "represents the working classes", but is also an enthusiastic astrologer (hence the references to the Signs of the Zodiac, Pisces, Sagittarius, etc.); she also claims to be Fate, to know the future, to cut the strings of life and death. In fact, she is the Fairy Queen of the English Pantomime, just as Sir Percy represents the Demon King, with his accompanying thunder and lightning (the air-raid in war-time Liverpool).

It may puzzle the Czech spectator that sophisticated London audiences can still laugh at the sight of people's trousers falling down on the stage. This is an age-old farcical situation and the remarkable thing is that Bennett can still make it funny and put it to dramatic use. Perhaps this is because real life always is crazier than art. Not long ago newspapers reported the stealing of the British Chancellor's trousers when he was dozing in the train from Manchester to London; while a mildly lunatic citizen was discovered by the Queen recently one night actually inside the her Majesty's bedroom - and Parliament demanded what was being done with all the millions spent on security.

The original music for HABEAS CORPUS was not available, so we have adapted the lyrics to dance-tunes of the Twenties and Thirties, which seem to fit very well to the sardonic nostalgic wit of the songs.

                                                             J. K.


                            The Gypsywood Players


                 Thornton Wilder:  T H E  M A T C H M A K E R

Horace Vandergelder, a merchant of Yonkers,
                                   New York ......Petr Mikulík
Cornelius Hackl  ...                     .........Radek Klepáč, HGP
Barnaby Tucker   ... clerks in his store .........Pavel Krutil
Malachi Stack    ...                     .........Don Sparling
Ambrose Kemper, an artist ........................Tomáš Pospíšil, HGP
Joe Scanlon, a barber ............................Jaroslav Ondráček
A Cabman .........................................Ilija Dorovský

Mrs Dolly Levi        ... friends of Vandergel- ..Kateřina Kučerová
Miss Flora Van Huysen ... der's late wife ........Helena Mertlíková, HGP
Mrs Irene Molloy, the owner of a hat shop ........Mona Darghamová
Minnie Fay, her assistant ........................Eva Skryjová
Ermengarde, vandergelder's niece .................Sylvie Sýkorová, HGP
Gertrude, Vandergelder's housekeeper .............Nora Reháková
Miss Van Huysen's Cook ...........................Hana Komůrková

Music: Jana Nezmeškalová, Laďa Vystrčil, Ivan Doležálek, Dáša Valešová,
       with the expert advice of Mrs Zdena Kurfrstová
Property Mistress: Věra Střelcová
Assistant Property Mistress: Milena Pospíšilová
Prompters and Costumes Mistresses: Mimii Matt and Daniela Dopitová
Designer: Jana Macenauerová
Stage Managers: Hana Lukešová and Karla Ševčíková
Directed and produced by Jessie Kocmanová and Don Sparling

Time: The end of the 19th century
   Act I.   Vandergelder's house in Yonkey, New York
   Act II.  Mrs Molloy's hat shop, New York
   Act III. The Harmonia Gardens Restaurant, New York
   Act IV.  Miss Van Huysen's house, New York

HGP: Honoured Gypsywood Player


                          The Gypsywood Players


                Willis H A L L :  KIDNAPPED AT CHRISTMAS

Convict Gilbert ......................................Radek Klepáč, HGP
Convict Crosby .......................................Pavel Krutil
Warder Mullins .......................................Anton Pasienka
Warder MacBain .......................................Miloslav Míček
Detective Constable Grummett .........................Don Sparling
Clara Grummett (his wife) ............................Kateřina Kučerová
Alexander Grummett (their son) .......................Jaroslav Ondráček
Evadne Docherty ......................................Hana Lukešová
Headmistress Horatia Winstonia Allardyce .............Zorka Nechutová

Music prepared by Miloš Štědroň and presented by Jana Nezmeškalová, HGM
Special scenic effects: Hladký Enterprises
Designer: Darja Kobzíková
Property Mistresses: Karla Ševčíková and Hana Trávníčková
Costume Mistress: Dana Pastyříková
Prompters: Světlana Janšová and Jana Kadlecová
Stage Managers: Zdeněk Brabec, Yvory Rodriguez and Helena Šustáčková
Lighting: Ilija Dorovský

     Directed and Produced by Jessie Kocmanová and Don Sparling

Time: Christmas Eve
Scenes:  A prison cell, various streets, a suburban home,
         a police station, a spooky green cellar


Don Sparling, Pavel Krutil, Kateřina Kučerová, Karla Ševčíková

Pavel Krutil and Jarek Ondráček

Ivana Bednaříková and Jiří Rambousek


Based on Prenez Garde a la Peinture by René Fauchois.

Setting: Dining-room of an old house in a New England Village

Time: Early morning, moving on through the day.

Period: Early 1930s.

                  C H A R A C T E R S 

Dr. Haggett, the local practitioner.............Pavel Krutil
Mrs. Haggett, his wife .........................Kateřina Kučerová, HGP
Susan Haggett, their charming daughter..........Karla Tenková
Ada Haggett, their spoiled elder daughter.......Karla Ševčíková
Abby, the Haggetts´ servant.....................Ivana Bednářiková
Warren Creamer, an attractive young man;........Daniel Novotný 
       a penniless house painter and gifted 
       artist: in love with Susan           
Tallant, a clever forger of painting............Jiří Rambousek
Rosen, an unscrupulous New York art dealer......Jarek Ondráček
Maxwell Davenport, a distinguished art critic...Jiří Bureš
                                from New York

                                    # # #

Prompters: Helena Šustáčková and Elena Boráková
Properties: Jana Kadlecová and Michaela Bělohoubková
Costumes: Dana Pastýřiková, Michaela Hnilicová, Lenka Čecháčková
Design: Darja Kobzíková
Publicity: Hana Trávničková
Stage Manager: Ivory Rodriguez and Zdeněk Brabec

Lighting: Ilija Dorovský 

Produced and directed by Jessie Kocmanová and Don Sparling


                       GYPSYWOOD  PLAYERS  PRESENT

                              P L U N D E R
                              by Ben Travers


Oswald Veal.....................................Jarek Ondráček, HGP
Prudence Malone.................................Karla Tenková
Mrs. Hewlett....................................Jitka Cigánková
Simon Veal......................................Jiří Bureš
Freddy Malone...................................Jiří Rambousek
Mabel...........................................Jana Kadlecová
Joan Hewlett....................................Ivana Bednaříková
D´Arcy Tuck.....................................Pavel Krutil, HGP
Sir George Chudleigh............................Don Sparling
Lady Chudleigh .................................Hana Suchánková
Ruth Bennett....................................Luisa Rzymanová
Buckley.........................................Roman Kožnar
Mrs. Orlock.....................................Athena Alchazidu
Chief Constable Grierson........................Jan Mattuš
Chief Detective Inspector Sibley................Antonín Pasienka
Sergeant Marchant...............................Martin Němec
Constable Davis.................................Jiří Meloun


Prompters: Vladimíra Ošťádalová
Properties: Elena Boráková, Simona Šulcová and Jitka Jugasová
Costumes: Lenka Čecháčková and Michaela Hnilicová
Design: Květa Daniela and Eva Tůmová
Publicity: Jana Valíčková
Stage Managers: Zdeněk Brabec and Jiří Meloun
Lighting: Ilija Dorovský, HGLM

                          Directed by  Don Sparling


                            THE  GYPSYWOOD  PLAYERS  


                   A R S E N I C    A N D    O L D    L A C E

                             by Joseph Kesselring

Abby Brewster....................................Ivana Bednaříková
The Reverent Dr. Harper..........................Jiří Bureš
Teddy Brewster...................................Jaroslav Ondráček, HGP+
Officer Brophy...................................Jiří Rambousek
Officer Klein....................................Luisa Rzymanová
Martha Brewster..................................Jana Kadlecová, HGP+
Elaine Harper....................................Karla Tenková
Mortimer Brewster................................Pavel Krutil, HGP+
Mr. Gibbs........................................Roman Kožnar
Jonathan Brewster................................Miroslav Pospíšil, HGP+
Dr. Einstein.....................................Martin Němec
Officer O'Hara...................................Petr Brabec
Lieutenant Rooney................................Jan Mattuš
Miss Witherspoon.................................Athena Alchazidu


Prompters: Vladimíra Ošťádalová and Pavla Kloudová
Properties: Elena Boráková, Jitka Jugasová, Renata Dopitová
Costumes: Lenka Čecháčková, Veronika Hanušová, Simona Šulcová
Design: Květa Danielová and Eva Tůmová
Makeup: Hana Suchánková, HGP+
Stage Managers: Zdeněk Brabec, HGSM+, and Klára Lenochová
Lighting: Ivory Rodriguez
Publicity: Jana Valíčková

+HGP = Honoured Gypsywood Player
+HGSM = Honoured Gypsywood Stage Manager

                        Directed by Don Sparling

1988 (SPRING)

Lyrics from the play

                         THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS
                        OH WHAT A LOVELY WAR

   by Theatre Workshop, Charles Chilton and the members of the original cast

Athena Alchazidu                   Pavel Hub
Ivana Bednaříková, HGP+            Roman Kožnar
Veronika Hanušová                  Martin Krejza
Dana Honová                        Pavel Krutil, HGP+
Jana Kadlecová,HGP+                Jan Mattuš
Hana Kočí                          Martin Němec
Ivana Masaříková                   Jaroslav Ondráček, HGP+
Luisa Rzymanová, HGP+              Jiří Rambousek, HGP+
Simona Šulcová                     Ivory Rodriguez, HGLM+
Karla Tenková, HGP+                Don Sparling

Prompter: Vladimíra Ošťádalová
Properties: Elena Boráková, HGPM+, Renata Dopitová
Costumes: Lenka Čecháčková, HGCM+, Michaela Bělohoubková
Design: Květa Danielová, Eva Tůmová, Jitka Jugasová
Lighting: Ilija Dorovský, HGLM+
Sound: Jaroslav Sedlář
Publicity: Jana Valíčková
+HGP/PM/CM/SM/LM = Honoured Gypsywood Player/ Property Mistress/ Costume Mistress/ Stage Manager/ Lighting Man

We have been very fortunate in being able to draw on the considerable talents of ZIMOUR for the musical accompaniment to the show: Milan Potůček (leader), Jindřich Kameníček, Jiří Jeřábek, Pavel Putna, and Stanislav Křivánek. With them, on piano, is Dan Hos.

Through the generosity of the British Council, Marguerite Jennings, leader of the Bradford Youth Players, has been able to come to Brno as guest director of Gypsywood Players in a new venture - their second production of the season.

1988 (AUTUMN)

                        THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


       ALLIGATOR MAN                                 TREVOR
            by                                         by
       Jack A. Kaplan                              John Bowen

                         x x x x x x x x


     Telesphonte ........................... Martin Krejza
     Alligator Girl ......................... Dana Gajdová
     Gruesome Gator ............... Ivory Rodriguez, HGML*
     Clu ................................... Petra Hemzová
     Syl ................................. Michaela Lánská
     Georgiana .......................... Athena Alchazidu
     Lucy ................................ Jitka Přerovská
     Harris ................................... Jan Mattuš


     Jane ................................. Simona Šulcová
     Sarah ........................... Karla Tenková, HGP*
     Trevor ........................... Pavel Krutil, HGP*
     Mrs Lawrence ................... Jana Kadlecová, HGP*
     Mr Lawrence ............................ Roman Kožnar
     Mrs Kempton ................. Ivana Bednaříková, HGP*
     Mr Kempton ..................... Jiří Rambousek, HGP*
     Mr Hudson .............................. Martin Němec


     Prompter ....................... Vladimíra Ošťádalová
     Properties .......... Renata Dopitová, Jitka Jugasová
     Costumes ... Michaela Bělohoubková, Veronika Hanušová
     Design ....... Květa Danielová, Elena Boráková, HGPM*
     Stage Manager, Sound ................ Jaroslav Sedlář
     Lighting ...................... Ilija Dorovský, HGLM*
     Publicity ............................ Jana Valíčková
     Music .................................. Roman Kožnar

Directed by Don Sparling

* HGP/PM/LM - Honoured Gypsywood Player/Property Mistress/Lighting Man

A n i m a l   F a r m

See many more pictures from rehearsals and performances
(Masaryk University digital library of photographs.)

Read the song lyrics.

                       The GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


                           George Orwell's

                       A N I M A L   F A R M

      adapted by Peter Hall, with lyrics by Adrian Mitchell
                    and nusic by Richard Peaslee

The cast

CAT/HEN .......................................... Dana Gajdová
MOLLIE/PIG ............................ Veronika Hanušová, HGDB
CLOVER ........................................ Alena Koudelová
JONES/SHEEP/FARMER .......................... Roman Kožnar, HGP
OLD MAJOR/FARMER/DOG/PIG ........................ Martin Krejza
SQUEALER ...................................... Jan Mattuš, HGP
BOWER/FARMER ..................................... Jan Mylbachr
BENJAMIN .................................... Martin Němec, HGP
MOSES/SHEEP ................................. Margita Penčevová
SNOWBALL/WHYMPER/FARMER ................... Jiří Rambousek, HGP
NAPOLEON ................................. Ivory Rodriguez, HGP
FARMER/SHEEP/PILKINGTON .......................... Don Sparling
THE WOMAN ................................. Simona Šulcová, HGP
MURIEL ....................................... Monika Vitásková
MINIMUS ..................................... Jitka Vyhlídalová
HENS ........... Romana Uhlířová, Jitka Žáčková, Elena Boráková
SHEEP ........................................... Petra Hemzová
COWS ................ Veronika Uhlířová, Kateřina Forstingerová
PIG ............................................. Petra Nyklová
DOG ........................................... Jana Hanuláková
FARMERS ...................... Jaroslav Sedlář, Renata Dopitová

Music .............. Petr Brabec (arrangements), Lucie Uhlířová

Technical staff

Prompters ........ Vladimíra Ošťádalová, HG Prom, Petra Illková
Design ... Marketa Kalinová, Michaela Mikulová, Jana Hanuláková
Costumes ................. Renata Dopitová, HGPM, Petra Nyklová
Properties ............................... Elena Boráková, HGPM
Stage Manager ................................. Jaroslav Sedlář
Lightinh ................................. Ilija Dorovský, HGLM
Publicity .............................. Kateřina Forstingerová

HGP/Prom/DB/SM/LM/PM - Honoured Gypsywood Player/
Prompter/Dog's Body/Stage Manager/Lighting Man/
Property Mistress

Directed by Don Sparling

Gypsywood goes abroad for the first time! (Krejzy tourist in duplicate)

O h   W h a t   a   L o v e l y   W a r

                  THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


                   OH WHAT A LOVELY WAR

  by Theatre Workshop, Charles Chilton and the members
                   of the original cast


Martin Němec, HGP*                 Dana Gajdová, HGP*
Jan Mattuš, HGP*                   Veronika Hanušová, HGP*
Martin Krejza, HGP*                Alena Koudelová
Jiří Rambousek, HGP*               Veronika Uhlířová
Ivory Rodriguez, HGP*              Jitka Vyhlídalová
Roman Kožnar, HGP*                 Petra Nyklová
Jaroslav Suchý                     Dana Růžičková
Ivan Lukavský                      Dáša Dvořáková
Kamil Truhlář                      Daniela Smékalová
Don Sparling                       Marcela Foltová

Prompters: Radka Hemzová, Inka Kobylková
Properties: Renata Dopitová, HGPM*, Michaela Mikulová
Costumes: Jana Hanuláková
Design: Ivana Skálová
Lighting: Mojmír Jurák
Stage Manager, Sound: Jaroslav Sedlář
Publicity: Andrea Haseelbarthová


For the musical accompaniment to the show, we have been very
fortunate in being able to draw on a number of considerable
Jana Kuchtová, HGM (Honoured Gypsywood Musician) - Director;
Dana Saforková; Jiří Meloun; Monika Bártová; Radovan Molín

H a m l e t

                          THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


             HAMLET by William Shakespeare and Tom Stoppard

Shakespeare ................................................ Martin Kukal
Bernardo ................................................... Jan Chovanec
Horatio .............................................. Martin Němec, HGP*
Claudius ............................................ Martin Krejza, HGP*
Gertrude .................................................. Petra Nyklová
Hamlet ................................................... Libor Štěpánek
Ghost ....................................................... Jan Richter
Polonius .................................................... Ivan Kolman
Ophelia ............................................... Jitka Vyhlídalová
Laertes .............................................. Roman Kožnar, HGP*
Gravedigger ............................................... Ivan Lukavský

GOD (A PLAY)   by Woody Allen

Diabetes (an actor) .................................. Roman Kožnar, HGP*
Hepatitis (a playwright) ............................ Martin Krejza, HGP*
Doris Cohen ........................................... Veronika Uhlířová
Woody Allen, Bursitis (an actor) ........................... Don Sparling
Trichinosis (an invetor) ................................. Ondřej Matuška
Lorenzo (a playwright) ..................................... Martin Kukal
Man in audience, Guard .................................... Ivan Lukavský
Blanche DuBois ........................................ Bohdana Zipfelová
Chorus ................................. Petra Nyklová, Jitka Vyhlídalová
            Daniela Smékalová, Jana Hanuláková, Jan Chovanec, Jan Richter
Master, Telegram boy ................................. Martin Němec, HGP*
The Fates (Bob and Wendy) ................................ Libor Štěpánek
                                                           Dáša Dvořáková
Woman victim .............................................. Petra Hemzová
King ........................................................ Ivan Kolman
Doctor .................................................. Marcela Foltová


Stage Manager, Sound ............................. Jaroslav Sedlář, HGSM*
Lights ..................................................... Mojmir Jurák
Costumes and Properties ............. Jana Hanuláková, Michaela Mikulová,
                                                          Katka Láníčková
Prompters ................................. Inka Kobylková, Radka Hemzová

*HGP/SM - Honoured Gypsywood Player / Stage Manager

S w e e t i e   P i e

                         THE GYPSYWOOD PLAYERS


                              SWEETIE PIE

Margaret = "Sweetie Pie" .......................... Dáša Dvořáková, HGP*
Mr Cash .......................................... Ivory Rodriguez, SGP*
Bob (Margaret's husband) ................................ Libor Štěpánek
Arnold Smith, Encyclopedia Salesman, G.P. ................. Jan Chovanec
Dinkie Dollery, Milkman, Coucillor Williams ........ Ivan Lukavský, HGP*
Zoot Sims, Postman, Workman ................................ Jan Richter
Anita, Child, Florrie .............................. Kateřina Honskusová
Fashion Editor, Carol ................................ Bohdana Zipfelová
Mrs. King (Margaret's mother) ......................... Monika Vitásková
Joan, Aunt Sallie ......................................... Hana Netočná
Miss Forsythe, Angela, Receptionist .......... Jitka Kratochvílová, HGP*
Marjorie Proops, Councillor Broughton .............. Petra Nyklová, HGP*
Nursery woman, Samantha ........................ Daniela Smékalová, HGP*
Vicar, Radio announcer, TV compere, Coucillor Jones ..... Ondřej Matuška
Mr King (Margaret's father) ............................... Don Sparling
Fashion editor's assistant, Salesman, Clerk ............... Martin Kukal
                                                             Ivan Kolman
Stage Manager, Child ..................................... Filip Brychta

*HGP - Honoured Gypsywood Player
*SGP - Super Gypsywood Player


gypsywood presents


the plays:

WanderinG - A TurN
by lanford wilson

A LessoN IN DeaD LanguagE
by adrianne kennedy

BoX (I)
by edward albee

by jack larson

by harvey perr

by oliver hailey

- 10 minute intermission -

StarS AnD StripeS
by leonard melfi

ThoughtS ON ThE InstanT OF
GreetinG A FrienD ON ThE StreeT
by jeanclaude itallie and sharon thie

by terrence menally

CamerA ObscurA
by robert patrick

MommA AS ShE BecamE -
by john rechy

BoX (II)
by edward albee

the players:

MarketA BojarovÁ

VincenzO D'AlessandrO

JiřÍ FlajšaR

DanA HavlíkovÁ

KateřinA KvízovÁ

AndY RobertS

PeteR TaboR

DitA TrnkovÁ

VeronikA UhlířovÁ

HelenA VojnovÁ

CynthiA K. WunscH

director: DereK DeWitT

stage manager: EdwarD EwinG

asst. dir.: CynthiA K. WunscH

sound: DaN MareŠ

special thanks to: olga dudová, luděk
havran, zdeněk korčian, and karel pala.

extra special thanks to don sparling,
without whom this show, and
gypsywood would not be impossible.

most of these plays were originally performed in new york city in may of 1968. we think that they are as relevant to here and now as they were there and then.

1996 (SPRING)

Gypsywood Players


Brian Friel

Divadlo Na provázku
sklepní scéna

Thursday 9th May
Friday 10th May

Gypsywood Players is the name of
the amateur theatre group of the
Department of English and American
Studies, Masaryk University, Brno.

(in order of appearance)

Michael Heggarty ..................... Milan Kaplan
Lily Doherty ......................... Štěpánka Jirešová
Skinner .............................. Vít Zelinka
Photographer ......................... Ondřej Schneider
Priest ............................... Jiří Flajšar
Judge ................................ Monika Metyková
Policeman ............................ Petr Kafka
Soldier 1 ............................ Filip Brichta
Soldier 2 ............................ Jan Richter
Dr Dodds ............................. Adéla Bódiová
Lynda O'Kelly ........................ Diana Niedobová
Balladeer ............................ Filip Brychta
Army Press Officer ................... Dana Ryglová
Pressman ............................. Petr Kafka
Brigadier Johnson-Hansbury ........... Petr Kafka
Dr Windbourne ........................ Jan Richter
Professor Cupley ..................... Ondřej Schneider

Director ............................. G. H. Timmermans
Stage Manager ........................ Steve Hardy
Set Designer ......................... Lucie Kuropatová
Lighting Designer .................... Lucie Kuropatová
Lighting Director .................... Jaroslav Havlík
Sound Director ....................... David Hýsek
Advertising & Ticketing .............. Dana Ryglová

Time: 10th February 1970

There will be one interval of twenty minutes



by Ted Johns

Director .............................................. Ted Johns
Assistant Director (music, songs, dance, fights) ...... Chris Royal

          The Donnellys

Jim ................................................... Milan Kaplan
Julia, his wife ....................................... Štěpánka Jirešová
Their children: William ............................... Ondřej Schneider
	John .................................................. Don Sparling
	Jenny ................................................. Markéta Stinglova
	Bob ................................................... Jakub Kučera
	Tom ................................................... Jaroslav Daniel
	Jim Jr. ............................................... Jan Tilšer
	Patrick ............................................... Přemysl Dohnal
	Michael ............................................... Aleš Rumpel
Their niece: Bridgett ................................. Dita Dvořáková

          The others

Uncle Orlo ............................................ Don Sparling, HGD
Pat Farrell ........................................... Jaroslav Daniel
Patrick Flannigan, Grouchie Ryder, Everett ............ Jan Tilšer
William Porte, McKellar ............................... Vladimír Šída
Tulip Porte, Annie Heenan ............................. Dita Dvořáková
John Kennedy .......................................... Milan Pavlas
Maggie Thompson, first woman,
   Grouchie's barn monologue .......................... Zdeňka Brandejská
Mary Thompson, second woman ........................... Markéta Stinglová 
Buggy Thompson, Ed, Henry ............................. Přemysl Dohnal 
William Thompson, Hawkshaw, pyromaniac, Potter ........ Don Sparling 
Murray, Berryhill ..................................... Aleš Rumpel 
Stagecoach passenger, Grouchie's barn monologue ....... Kateřina Chalupová 
Stagecoach passenger .................................. Štěpánka Jirešová
Mr Heenan ............................................. Milan Kaplan 
James Carroll ......................................... Jakub Kučera 
Horses: .............................. Milan Kaplan, Dita Dvořáková
                                       Zdeňka Brandejská, Markéta Stinglová


Jana Konečná, violin 
Milan Pavlas, guitar 
Jakub Kučera, guitar

           Stage Managers

Martina Drnková, Adéla Bódiová
Thanks go to the Janáček Theatre, the Canadian government, Masaryk University English Department, the Cikháj centre, and all Gypsywood Players past and present.

The Legendary Donnellys

Early in the morning of 4 February 1880 near the village of Lucan in southern Ontario, a party of armed men acting as vigilantes brutally murdered a local farmer, James (Jim) Donnelly, his wife Julia, their sons Thomas and John, and their niece Bridgett Donnelly. Two eye-witnesses claimed to have identified six of the murderers, who were subsequently brought to trial in nearby London, Ontario. The case became an international sensation, especially as the background to the deaths became known. For it was revealed that the murder of Jim Donnelly and his family was in fact the climax to more than three decades of escalating violence. The countryside round Lucan was divided into two bitterly opposed factions, with the Donnellys and their supporters on one side, and a large group of "respectable citizens", the friends of Pat Farrell and his family, on the other. This feud - a vendetta that some claim had its roots back in Ireland, where many of the local people had originally come from - had claimed a heavy toll in lives and property: accidental and not so accidental deaths, stagecoaches smashed and horses mutilated, houses, factories, barns and stables burned down. Over the years, many people in Lucan and the surrounding district had decided that the tight-knit Donnelly family was the ultimate cause of all the disorder, and in the end had turned against them. The degree to which the community hated the Donnellys could be seen in the course of the two trials that followed the massacre: in the first, the jury disagreed; in the second, they brought in a verdict of "not guilty". No one was ever sentenced for the murders.

Right from the beginning, the Donnelly story excited interest and controversy. It soon entered into the realm of folklore, and for more than a century the Donnellys have been a vivid and troubling presence in Canada's popular culture. In recent years alone, more than 100 factual and fictional accounts of the story have appeared. These have included at least three plays, the first of them being Them Donnellys, a collective production conceived and directed by Paul Thompson at Toronto's Theatre Passe Muraille, one of Canada's leading experimental theatres, in 1974 and 1975. In 1979 this was rewritten by Ted Johns as The Death of the Donnellys and presented to great acclaim at the summer festival in Blyth, a town in southern Ontario not far from the scene of the events it describes.

Act I of the play centres on the Donnelly family itself and its place in the town of Lucan. We see the family of eight children growing up without their father Jim, who is away in Kingston Prison serving his seven-year sentence for the murder of Pat Farrell. Only the determination of their mother, Julia, holds the family together till Jim returns. But by this time the Donnelly boys have become used to "raising a little hell" from time to time, and the town of Lucan is growing weary of their wild behaviour and outrageous practical jokes. It takes all of Jim's authority as father to keep them under control, and within the bounds of the law. The cleverest and most ambitious of the brothers is Will, who aims to get ahead by purchasing a stagecoach line. He hopes his old sweetheart, Maggie Thompson, will marry him despite her father's opposition to the match, and he arranges for them to elope during the chivaree being held to mark her brother William's marriage. But at the chivaree - a mock, noisy celebration for newly-weds - things get out of hand: the high spirits of the Donnellys and their friends, fueled by alcohol, lead to the virtual demolition of the house, Will gets hopelessly drunk, Maggie leaves him in disgust, and the evening ends in brutality and despair.

The darkening tone of the play continues in Act II. Will goes ahead and acquires a stagecoach line, and the competition between him and Flannigan, the owner of a rival line, leads to an increasingly vicious cycle of mutual acts of violence. By now things have got completely out of hand. The next weapon to be employed is fire: ninety-eight cases of proven arson in two years. The whole community slowly becomes embittered: even a wedding celebration ends in brawling and destruction. Finally a small group of determined citizens sets up a semi-secret committee whose sole aim is to put an end to the Donnelly menace. Every means is tried: court cases whose costs slowly ruin the family; planted evidence; pressure from the local Catholic priest; various forms of intimidation and violence against the Donnellys' friends. But the Donnelly family remains united and unbeaten, and finally the committee decides there is only one way of ridding the community of them. One night, armed with guns, clubs and pitchforks, they enter Jim and Julia's house and murder them, their son Tom and their niece Bridgett in cold blood. After setting fire to the dwelling, they move on to Will's house, where they manage to shoot John, thinking he is their arch-enemy Will. The Donnelly family has finally been silenced.

Ted Johns was born and raised on a farm near Clinton, in southern Ontario. After studies at the University of Toronto (BA and MA), he taught at Brock University in St Catherine's, Ontario, before beginning his career as an actor and playwright. He has written a number of plays and one-man shows and toured extensively throughout Canada, with occasional productions in the USA and Britain. This production of Death of the Donnellys has generated considerable interest within both the Actors' Union and the Playwrights' Union in Canada.

Chris Royal comes originally from Toronto; presently he lives in Vancouver. He studied classical theatre for three years at George Brown Theatre School in Toronto and has worked for two seasons at the Shaw Summer Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, as well as at a number of other theatres. This is his first trip abroad and he is delighted to be in Brno.



with St. George plays

by T. S. Eliot.