Mathematical Logic
Mathematical / computational logic at MU
Courses Logic I, II (see Propositional Logic, Predicate Logic) overlap with courses of logic for students of mathematics, computer science:
See also the courses syllabi in IS MU.
Selected references on mathematical logic
- Kučera, Antonín (2009): Matematická logika. Materiály ke kurzu MA007. (slidy). http://www.fi.muni.cz/usr/kucera/teaching/logic/logika.pdf.
- Sochor, Antonín (2002): Klasická matematická logika. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Nakladatelství Karolinum.
- Švejdar, Vítězslav (2002): Logika, neúplnost, složitost, možnost. Praha: Academia. (on-line version).
- Bell, John, Machover, Moshé (1997): A Course In Mathematical Logic (4th edition). North Holland.
- Enderton, Herbert B. (1972): A Mathematical Introduction to Logic. Academic Press.
- Gabbay, Dov M., Guenther, Franz (2001-): Handbook of Philosophical Logic. Vols. 1-17. 2nd edition. Springer.
- Hodel, Richard E. (2013): An Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Dover Books.
- Hodges, Wilfrid, Chiswell, Ian (2007): Mathematical Logic. Oxford University Press.
- Kleene, Stephen C. (1967): Mathematical Logic. John Wiley.
- Kleene, Stephen Cole (2009): Introduction to Metamathematics. Ishi Press.
- Leary, Christopher C., Kristiansen, Lars (2015): A Friendly Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Prentice Hall.
- Mendelson, Elliot (1964): Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Princeton: D. Van Nostrand Company.
- Rautenberg, Wolfgang (2010): A Concise Introduction to Mathematical Logic. Springer.
- Shoenfield, Joseph R. (1967): Mathematical Logic. Addison-Wesley.
- Smullyan, Raymond M. (1968): First-Order Logic. Springer-Verlag.
- Walicki, Michał (2012): Introduction to Mathematical Logic. World Scientific.
- Boolos, George S., Burgess, John P., Jeffrey, Richard C. (2007): Computability and Logic. 5th edition. Cambridge University Press.
- Gallier, Jean H. (2015): Logic For Computer Science Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving. 2nd edition. Dover Books.
Last update 25/03/2023.