International conference: The Americas in Canada
20. – 21. října 2017
12:00 – 18:30 - Filozofická fakulta Masarykovy univerzity, Brno
International conference / Colloque international
Canadian Studies Centre / Centre d'Etudes Canadiennes
Masaryk University / Université Masaryk
20-21 October / 20-21 octobre, 2017
Friday 20 October / Vendredi 20 octobre
12:00 – 13:00
Registration / Inscription (Arna Nováka 1, Building B / Edifice B)
Opening / Ouverture (Arna Nováka 1, Building B / Edifice B, Room / Salle B2.23)
Barbara C. Richardson, Ambassador of Canada to the Czech Republic / Ambassadeur du Canada en République tchèque
Petr Kyloušek, Vice-Dean for Research and Graduate Studies, Faculty of Arts, and Co-Chair, Canadian Studies Centre, Masaryk University / Vice-doyen à la recherche et aux études supérieures, Faculté des lettres, et Co-directeur du Centre d'études canadiennes, Université Masaryk
13:30 – 14:30
1st Keynote address / 1ère Conférence plénière
Peter Klaus, Freie Universität, Berlin
Canadienne, américaine, francophone et/ou autochtone: quel destin pour la littérature québécoise?
14:30 – 15:00
Coffee break / Pause café
15:00 – 16:00
2nd Keynote address / 2e Conférence plénière
Richard Nimijean, Carleton University, Ottawa
Reframing Canadian „Americanness“ and Cross-Border Relations in the Age of Trump
16:00 – 16:15
Coffee break / Pause café
16:15 – 18:00
Session 1 / 1ère Séance
1.1 Québec / Amérique (Arna Nováka 1, Building B / Edifice B, Room / Salle B2.23)
Présidence: Petr Vurm
Véronique Millet, Dawson College, Montréal
René Derouin: art et américanité
Józef Kwaterko, Université de Varsovie
«Négriture et ré-enracinement»: l’Amérique comme espace de compagnonnage dans la poésie québécoise
Petr Kyloušek, Université Masaryk, Brno
Entre Montréal, New York, Miami et Port-au-Prince: les Haïtiens
1.2 Anglophone literature in the American context (Gorkého 7, Room/Salle G 23)
Janos Kenyeres, ELTE, Budapest
Literary Manifestations of the Canadian Dream in Fiction
Andrea F. Szabó, University of Pannonia, Veszprém
Alice Munro’s Canada and America in the Making
Tihana Klepac, University of Zagreb
Cinderella Writes Back: S.J. Duncan’s Mary Trent as Canada personified
18:00 – 21:00
Conference buffet dinner / Dîner d’ouverture
Saturday 21 October / Samedi 21 octobre
9:00 – 10:45
Session 2 / 2e Séance
2.1 Mythes et américanité (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 12)
Présidence: Peter Klaus
Marilyne Lamer, Université de Montréal
De l'entreprise de mythographie dans le pays à venir de Victor Lévy-Beaulieu
Petr Vurm, Université Masaryk, Brno
Le post-humanisme est-il un humanisme? Les six degrés de liberté de l'homme à l'heure de la mondialisation
Ewelina Berek, Université de Silésie
«Le roman sans aventure» à la François Blais. La nouvelle société québécoise en manque d’american dream
2.2 The North American political space (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 31)
Magdalena Firtová, Charles University, Prague
NAFTA and Free Trade between the USA and Canada
Don Sparling, Masaryk University, Brno
de Toqueville, Democracy in America, and Canada
Diana Yankova, New Bulgarian University, Sofia
150 years of Immigration Trends in North America: An overview
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee break / Pause café
11:15 – 13:00
Session 3 / 3e Séance
3.1 Américanité québécoise mise en scène (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 12)
Présidence: Petr Kyloušek
Hana Rozlozsniková, Université Masaryk, Brno
Le drame poétique de Rina Lasnier et la société canadienne-française
Šárka Novotná, Université Masaryk, Brno
Américanité comme miroir déformant d’une illusion (théâtrale): quelques figures de l’american dream chez Michel Tremblay
3.2 Identifying Canada (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 31)
Jason Blake, University of Ljubljana
„A little bit Canadian“? What does that even mean?
Krizstina Kodo, Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences, Székesfehérvár
Canada: The Inconspicuous Silent Dreamer and Otherside of the Americas
Jana Javorcikova, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica
“Freestyle” Canada: The Canadian Dream Then and Now
3.3 Canada and popular culture (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 32)
Klara Kolinská, Metropolitan University, Prague
“Welcome to the Rock” or, Gander Comes to Broadway. Canadian Musical’s Journey to the World Stage
Tomáš Pospíšil, Masaryk University, Brno
We definitely blew it! Dennis Hopper's Easy Rider, Larry Kent's High and the Failure of North American Counterculture
Peter Thompson, Carleton University, Ottawa
Pogey Beach: Representations of Atlantic Canada on Youtube
13:00 – 14:30
Lunch / Déjeuner
14:30 – 16:15
Session 4 / 4e Séance
4.1 Cultural markers (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 12)
Lucia Grosu-Radulescu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
Is it Canadian or is it American? A Case study of American influences on the (cultural) awareness of Canada among Romanian students
Marica Mazurek, Matej Bel University, Banská Bystrica
Cross-border cooperation in tourism
Nikola Tutek, University of Rijeka
Book Cover as an Artistic Statement and a Cultural Phenomenon – The Canadian Example
4.2 Reflections of Indigeneity (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle 31)
Jana Marešová, Charles University, Prague
Indigenous Identity in Today’s Canada: Reflections in Contemporary Texts by Indigenous Writers
Karis Shearer, University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Treaty 9: The Implications of Alanis Obomsawin’s Trick or Treaty
Éva Zsizsmann, Corvinus University and Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest
Stories Without Borders. Thomas King, The Inconvenient Indian
4.3 (Re)assessing paradigms (Gorkého 7, Room / Salle G 32)
Vanja Polic, University of Zagreb
Vanderhaeghe’s A Good Man and the State of US-Canadian Relations at the End of the 19th Century
Oleh Kozachuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
“ Peace, Order and Good Government” vs. “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”: Theoretical Background Revision for Canada – the U.S. Comparison
Lucia Otrísalová, Komenský University, Bratislava
Is Canadian Literature American?: CanLit within Hemispheric American Studies
16:15 – 16:30
Closing / Clôture
16:30 – 18:30
Tour of Brno (optional) / Visite de Brno (optionnel)
- Pořadatel
Ústav románských jazyků a literatur (Filozofická fakulta)
- Odpovědnost
prof. PhDr. Petr Kyloušek, CSc.