The Scholarship Programme

for furtherance of technology uses in education at FoA, MUNI

Managing e-learning

Do you have an existing course from previous years that you continue to use in your teaching? Excellent. Is it a demanding course to manage or does it need to be modified for the next semester? Consider improvements or consult with us. A good starting point may be the feedback or analysis of data from the last run of the course.

What innovations are needed for your course?

Consider whether any part of your course needs updating. If you migrate to another platform, have a look at Designing E-learning.

What is typical for course management related projects?

  • The teacher does not have time to deal with the administration of the course each semester, checking whether the links are up to date, etc.
  • The teacher wants to provide students with a good quality feedback, but has no capacity left for this activity. Thus, the feedback is provided by experienced students engaged in the process of evaluation of the students’ work.
  • The teachers in cooperation with the participating students keep up and update the e-learning support for their subjects.

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