Workshop: ERC in Social Sciences and Humanities

Odbor pro výzkum (RMU) ve spolupráci s britským vědcem a držitelem ERC grantu Matthewem Rampleym zve na workshop: ERC in Social and Humanities, který se uskuteční 11. září 2019 v Brně. 

22. 8. 2019 Horizon Europe ERC

Kdy: 11. září 2019 (14.00 - 16.30)

Kde: Brno, Komenského nám. 2, místnost 300


14:00–14:10 Opening

14:00–15:10 Presentations on the ERC and the experience of successfully applying for research awards by:

Aneta Barkley (ERCEA, ERC Project Adviser)
Nicla de Zorzi (University of Vienna, PI of ERC Starting Grant REPAC: Repetition, Parallelism and Creativity: An Inquiry into the Construction of Meaning in Ancient Mesopotamian Literature and Erudition)
Matthew Rampley (Masaryk University, PI of ERC Advanced Grant CRAACE: Continuity / Rupture in Art and Architecture of Central Europe 1918-1939)

15:10–15.30 Coffee break

15:30–16:30 Discussion in groups, closing
Informal small group discussions of your ideas for potential research projects and how to make them suitable for the ERC. These might be either at a very early stage of development, or you might have already been thinking about them for some time.


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