Zaměstnanci fakulty

Belinda Rachael Allan, M.Ed.

lektorka – Oddělení Centra jazykového vzdělávání na Pedagogické fakultě

korespondenční adresa:
Poříčí 538/31, 603 00 Brno


Konzultační hodiny

Consultation sessions
Autumn Semester 2024 I'm available from 14:00-17:00 on Wednesdays.

Introduction for students:
Hi, my name is Belinda and I'm originally from Australia. I have also taught in China and Thailand for 14 years. Because learning English is learning a skill rather than knowledge, I teach the skill of English through practical use of language. If you join my class, we will play memory and grammar games, listen, read, write and speak English through lots of activities. My main focus areas are IT and ICT in English, educational English, academic English, English for special needs and social education. You are very welcome to come and try my active learning exercises and I look forward to meeting you.

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