Zaměstnanci fakulty

Mgr. Linda Nepivodová, Ph.D.

odborná asistentka – Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistiky

korespondenční adresa:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno

kancelář: bud. G/G.318
Gorkého 57/7
602 00 Brno

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telefon: 549 49 5244

Curriculum Vitae

Person-Related Identification Information
  • Linda Nepivodova, born in Brno, 10th August
  • Department of English and American Studies
    Faculty of Arts
    Masaryk University
    Department of English Language and Literature
    Faculty of Education
    Masaryk University
Employment - Position
  • Assistant professor
Education and Academic Qualifications
  • 2018: Ph.D. degree in Philology – Foreign language teaching, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, Prague. Dissertation: In Their Own Words and By the Test Results: A mixed methods study of the comparison of two modes of test administration
  • 2009: DELTA, IH Prague
  • 2007: Masters in English Language and Literature, focus on testing, Faculty of Arts, MU Brno
  • 2006: CELTA, MU Brno
  • 2004: Bc in English and Latin, Faculty of Arts, MU Brno
  • 2020 - present: Assistant Professor, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Education, Masaryk University,
  • 2018 - present: Assistant Professor, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
  • Summer 2015: Area Academic Manager, Target International, London, UK
  • Summer 2010, 2011, 2012: Director of Studies, MW, Brighton, UK
  • 2010 - present: Certified British Council Examiner for Cambridge Main Suite and YLE Exams
  • 2009 – 2018: Lecturer, Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
  • 2006 – 2012: Senior English teacher at Brno English Centre, Starobrněnská 16/18, Brno, Levels – A1 to C2 (Elementary – Proficiency)
  • Summer 2009: Head of English, Exsportise, Oundle, UK
  • Summer 2008: Senior English teacher, Exsportise, Oundle, UK
  • Summer 2007: English teacher, EAC, Northampton, UK
  • 2003 – 2007: English teacher at the Language school run by the Department of English and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, Brno
Internship and stays for the purpose of study or work
  • 2014/09/07 – 2014/09/13: University of Szeged, Szeged, HUN
    • Lectures for MA students of Department of Applied Linguistics
  • 2014/05/27 – 2014/06/01: The University of Warwick, Warwick, GBR
    • Prispevek 'A Tale of Two Paradigms: a comparison of test mode delivery on either side of the Atlantic' v ramci SIG Academic Testing, EALTA Conference
  • 2013/08/02 – 2013/11/29: University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Fulbright Grants, USA
    • Visiting scholar, research stay
  • 2012/12/03 – 2012/12/07: University of Bristol, Bristol, GBR
    • Teacher training sessions for bachelor degree courses
  • 2012/09/03 – 2012/09/07: University of Cambridge, Cambridge, GBR
    • Language Testing course taught by Prof Cyril Weir and Dr Lynda Taylor
  • 2012/08/06 – 2012/08/10: Göteborg Univerzity, Göteborg, SWE
    • Language Testing: A Psychometric Perspective
    • Specificky vyzkum
  • 2012/05/31 – 2012/06/03: University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AUT
    • 9th EALTA CONFERENCE - Validity in Language Testing, my presentation: SIG meeting - Academic Assessment - Comparing two modes of test administration.
    • Specificky vyzkum
  • 2011/03/13 – 2011/03/17: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, GRC
    • Teacher training sessions for MA students studying Teaching English as a Foreign Language.
Major Publications
  • TŮMA, František, Linda NEPIVODOVÁ a Nicola Catherine FOŘTOVÁ. Výzkum interakce mezi spolužáky : přehled konverzačněanalytických studií. Orbis Scholae. Praha: Karolinum, 2019, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 7-28. ISSN 1802-4637. Dostupné z: URL info
  • TŮMA, František, Linda NEPIVODOVÁ a Nicola Catherine FOŘTOVÁ. Peer interaction in EFL classes in Czech upper-secondary schools. In 14th ESSE Conference, 29 August - 2 September, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. 2018. URL info
  • TŮMA, František, Nicola Catherine FOŘTOVÁ a Linda NEPIVODOVÁ. Investigating interaction among peers in English as a foreign language using conversation analysis. In 5th International Conference of English and American Studies SILESIAN STUDIES IN ENGLISH — SILSE 2018, 6-7 September 2018, Opava, Czech Republic. 2018. URL info
  • NEPIVODOVÁ, Linda. Cambridge Let's Speak. In British Council Cambridge Let's Speak Project. 2016. info
  • SUDICKÝ, Petr a Linda NEPIVODOVÁ. Online testování v ELFu: Metodika a praktické postupy [workshop]. In ELFday0216: E-learningové setkání na Gorkého 7 (Jak lépe poznat své studenty). 2016. URL info
  • NEPIVODOVÁ, Linda. Are Students and Teachers Ready for Computer-based Language Exams? A Comparison of Test Mode Delivery. In 12th EALTA Conference 2015, 28.-31. 5. 2015, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2015. URL info
  • NEPIVODOVÁ, Linda. A tale of two paradigms: a comparison of test mode delivery on either side of the Atlantic. In 11th EALTA Conference Warwick, 29.5.-1.6. 2014, Warwick, United Kingdom. 2014. URL info
  • NEPIVODOVÁ, Linda. Two Worlds Collide. In EALTA conference, Istanbul. 2013. info
  • VANDERZIEL, Jeffrey Alan, Linda NEPIVODOVÁ, Lidia KYZLINKOVÁ, Jarmila FICTUMOVÁ a Věra VÉMOLOVÁ. Chci studovat angličtinu. 2. vyd. Brno: Barrister & Principal, 2012, 183 s. ISBN 978-80-87474-43-3. info
  • NEPIVODOVÁ, Linda. Comparing two modes of test administration. In 9th EALTA Conference Innsbruck, Austria. 2012. info


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