Restructuring of the Czech Banking Sector – Influence of Mergers on Selected Financial Indicators

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Rok publikování 2013
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proceedings of the In the International Conference on European Financial Systems 2013. Brno: MU ESF, 2013
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Ekonomie
Klíčová slova banking sector; restructuring; mergers and acquisition; regression and correlation analyses;
Popis Transformation of the Czech banking sector to market conditions was finished by a privatization of large banks in years 1998–2001. Banks with problems stopped their activities and new banks quickly adapted to the new conditions. The banking sector stabilized and a gradual restructuring of the sector followed, adequate to the needs of the developing economy. A typical feature of the restructuring was the increasing share of foreign companies in the Czech banking market by means of acquisitions and mergers. The structural changes were manifested not only in the fast growth of the group of foreign bank branches, but also in connections of banks into larger units as well as transformations of subsidiaries into branches and organization components of foreign banks. Besides financial stability, restructuring should bring economic benefits to owners. To prove a positive effect of mergers, we analysed the development of selected economic indicators in the period before and after the changes in the Czech banking sector in 2003–2012. The regression models of indicator development curves of merging banks were compared with the values reported by the entire banking sector. The results of the regression analysis show a positive effect of mergers on the financial stability of the transformed banks in two years after the merger as well as the value created for the owners.
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