Cyber aggression within adolescents’ romantic relationships: Linkages to parental attachment and partner attachment

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WRIGHT Michelle

Rok publikování 2015
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Journal of Youth and Adolescence
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Fakulta sociálních studií

Obor Psychologie
Klíčová slova Adolescent; Romantic relationship; Parental attachment; Partner attachment; Aggression; Cyber aggression
Popis Extensive research has examined face-to-face aggression within adolescents’ romantic relationships, but little attention has been given to the role of electronic technologies in adolescents’ perpetuation of these behaviors. Thus, this study examined the relationship of anxious and avoidant partner attachments to partner-directed cyber aggression, assessed 1 year later among 600 adolescents (54 % female). After accounting for gender and previous behaviors, anxious partner attachment was related to later partner-directed cyber aggression. In addition, insecure parental attachment from adolescents’ mothers was related positively to insecure partner attachment and had an indirect effect on their partner-directed cyber aggression through the mediation of anxious partner attachment. This study provides insight into the impact of electronic technologies on adolescents’ romantic relationships.
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