Social Innovations in the Czech Republic


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Rok publikování 2015
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Inowacje spoleczne w teorii i praktyce
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Ekonomie
Klíčová slova Social Innovations; non-profit sector; public sector; best practice
Popis The present paper deals with the concept of social innovations that has been turning into a mantra insome areas of research and public policy. Although social innovations as a phenomenon must have always existed, it was given its name and attention by experts only recently. Social innovations have gradually become a concept that has got into academic debates, research projects and policy documents and instruments of public policies. The advent of the trend (to deal with social innovation issues) is not uniform everywhere; this is the reason why this paper sets itself the objective to map how social innovations are currently perceived in the Czech Republic. The authors consider it useful to allow comparison of different approaches to social innovations as applied in different countries, it can be helpful in mapping social innovations or when trying to learn and draw inspiration from practices of another country.In their paper, the authors present the information collected about social innovations in the Czech Republic through researching literature and especially internet sources, and the information obtained directly or indirectly in interviews held with experts in the field of social economy. The paper aims to offer readers insights into the issue of the existence and financial support of social innovations in the Czech Republic.
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