Aus den Fehlern anderer lernen. Zur Entwicklung von annotierten Übersetzungslernerkorpora

Název česky Učit se z chyb druhých. K vývoji anotovaných korpusů studentských překladů


Rok publikování 2014
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Citace FICTUMOVÁ, Jarmila a Jiří RAMBOUSEK. Aus den Fehlern anderer lernen. Zur Entwicklung von annotierten Übersetzungslernerkorpora. In Überzetzung als Kulturvermittlung. Translatorisches Handeln. Neue Strategien. Didaktische Innovation. 2014.
Popis TLC (Translation Learner Corpora) seem to be the answer to improving translator training. State-of-the-art technologies have made it possible for students and teachers to co-operate in creating online error-tagged translation learner corpora. The current stage of development of teaching materials at the Department of English and American Studies, Masaryk University in Brno is described. As the English Language Translation training programme was established relatively recently, in 2008, it was our aim to build it around the European Master’s in Translation (EMT) competences, using the most advanced technologies at hand. The history of corpora and e-learning in teaching translation are briefly mentioned and special attention is devoted to the first outcomes and problems encountered when implementing the new methods. Last but not least, new research methods to be used in the near future for improved understanding of the translation process are also discussed.
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