From Eclecticism to Rondocubism - Sochor Villa in Dvůr Králové nad Labem



Rok publikování 2015
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Admired As Well As Overlooked Beauty - Contributions to Architecture of Historicism, Art Nouveau, Early Modernism and Traditionalism
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Obor Umění, architektura, kulturní dědictví
Klíčová slova Sochor; villa; architecture; eclecticism; rondocubism
Popis Dvůr Králové nad Labem is a small town in East Bohemia with a strong tradition of textile industry. A factory owner Josef Sochor was the one who mainly contributed to the development of the town after 1900. Despite his humble family background, he was able to work his way up to become one of the most important Czech textile industrialists. Since his social status was getting bigger, his residence started growing as well. The villa of Josef Sochor is thus the the main topic of my paper. The first Sochor's house was built near the factory by Eduard Thym in 1904. The architect, who gained regional importance, created the building in eclectic style. Later Sochor continued building additional parts to the original house and the edifice was constantly changing. Its decorations were subject to current architectural trends. At the same time the internal layout of the villa was changing just like its equipment. Famous Czech artists Josef Gočár, Otto Gutfreund, František Kysela and Pavel Janák participated in the exterior and interior of the building. In Dvůr Králové nad Labem Sochor family built another edifices - in the neighbourhood of their factory an administrative building was built in rondo-cubist style (architect Pavel Janák), there was a driver's house built in functionalist style (architect Josef Grus) and villa of Zdeněk Sochor who was one of the sons of Josef Sochor (architect Josef Gočár). For the employees of Sochor's factory there was designed the whole series of working-class colonies. The growth of one of the most important Czech companies was stopped by the second world war. In my contribution I would also like to engage myself in the post-war fate of the above mentioned buildings.
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