Sergius N. Bulgakov and the Theory of Progress

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Rok publikování 2016
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The contribution deals with a Russian theologian, philosopher and priest Sergius N. Bulgakov (1871–1944) and his thinking, particularly with his essay on the theory of progress (Basic Problem of the Theory of Progress. In: Poole, Randall A.: Problems of Idealism. Essays in Russian Social Philosophy. Yale University Press, pp. 85–123.). In this contribution, Bulgakov´s reflection is presented in the context of Russian philosophical and theological tradition, within which not only the theory of progress, but also the idea of positive science and Marxism (or dialectical materialism) as well as some crucial moments of Russian history in the 20th century (the end of tsarism, Bolshevik revolution, the social and political development after the revolution) were being analysed in a similar way, whereas the aim of such analyses was to grasp not only the reasons of these events, but also some possible consequences, be they social, philosophical, theological or religious.
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