Association of genetic polymorphism with fat and bitter taste modalities in obese participants


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SAYED Amira KARMOUS Inchirah PLESNÍK Jiří ŠERÝ Omar ABID Abdelmajid AOUIDET Abdallah KHAN Naim Akhtar

Rok publikování 2016
Druh Konferenční abstrakty
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Popis Orosensory perception of food strongly affects the ingestive behavior and intake of nutrients. The genetic variation in the genes encoding taste receptors also modulate the orosensory properties in human beings. The aim of this study was to evaluate the polymorphism in genes encoding bitter and lipid taste receptor in lean and obese subjects. We conducted our study on lean (n = 53) and obese (n = 53) participants that were recruited in National Institute of Nutrition (Tunis). We isolated the genomic DNA from the saliva swabs and, by employing restriction-fragment polymorphism (RFLP), we looked for the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of two genes, CD36 (fat taste) and TAS2R38 (bitter taste). The CD36 gene variant was rs1761667 and TAS2R38 gene variants were rs1726866 and rs10246939. We noticed that A-genotype of rs1761667 was positively associated with obesity. Similarly, A-genotype and C-genotype, respectively of two rs1726866 and rs10246939 were associated with obesity. Our study shows that fat taste and bitter taste modalities play an important role in obesity.
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