Differences between Czech and French financial law and financial science


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Název česky Rozdíly mezi českým a franouzským finančním právem a finanční vědou

BARTES Richard

Rok publikování 2019
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Public Economics and Administration 2019
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Právnická fakulta

Klíčová slova Financial law; France; Public finance
Přiložené soubory
Popis The paper focuses on the comparison between Czech financial law and French financial law with regard to the discipline of public finance. The principal objective of the paper is to analyze main characteristics of the discipline of the financial law in the Czech Republic and in France and to present their differences. For this reason, the analytical, comparative and descriptive methods were used to write this paper and to fulfil its objective. A descriptive method is used for a presentation of French and Czech conception of the financial law, or rather the conception of public finance. Afterwards, the comparative method is applied for a comparison and an emphasis on differences in French and Czech financial law. Owing to the analytical method is possible to gain required results concerned to global distinctions between French and Czech system of the financial law. As for results, it is necessary to mention the accomplished analysis of comparison of financial law in the Czech Republic and in France. In the paper, there are presented crucial differences between Czech and French financial law.
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