Quale italiano per quali parlanti? Processi di trasmissione linguistica familiare nella Sicilia contemporanea fra usi predicati e usi praticati



Rok publikování 2012
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Coesistenze linguistiche nell’Italia pre- e postunitaria. Atti del XLV Congresso internazionale della Societa di Linguistica Italiana (Aosta/Bard/Torino, 26-28 settembre 2011)
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Klíčová slova Varieta del repertorio; Siciliano; Processo di italianizzazione
Přiložené soubory
Popis With this work we intend to observe the modification of the relationships of force between codes and varieties within the Italo-Romanic linguistic repertoire from the perspective of those who work (as experts in the field, but also as speakers fully involved in the processes observed) in a sociolinguistically very complex reality as Sicily. On the island, the process of Italianisation began with a certain delay compared to other areas of our country, but in recent decades it has accelerated in recent decades, producing significant changes in the linguistic uses of Sicilian speakers. of Sicilian speakers. These changes in some ways mirror those that have affected other areas of linguistic Italy in previous years. On the other hand, Sicily presents its own specificity in the dynamics of change with respect to other Italian-Romance sociolinguistic realities. This specificity concerns not only the intensity of the process, but also the role of a force that is still little investigated, namely the family.

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