Composizione verbale in Latino: il caso dei verbi in –facio, –fico



Rok publikování 2016
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Přiložené soubory
Popis The subject of the study is Latin verbal compounds whose second member is a verbal constituent connected with the verb facio. Particular attention is paid to the causative value (calefacio 'to make warm', labefacio 'to make waver', amplifico 'to amplify' etc.) and to the relationship between morphological causatives (including compounds) and the other means Latin possesses to encode causative meaning. The constructions under analysis are interesting for morphological reasons above all, because: 1. they represent an island of productivity in the generally unproductive area of verbal composition in Latin; 2. they are endocentric constructions, whereas the core of Latin composition is made up of nominal exocentric compounds; 3. they also show patterns of composition that differ from the typical core of Latin composition. Regarding causative constructs in particular, the work attempts to clarify what kind of causativity they express and how and to what extent they are consistent with existing typological classifications.

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