Transforming Genres in the Online World: Live news on the internet



Rok publikování 2021
Druh Vyžádané přednášky
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Similar to other kinds of specialized discourses, news discourse has undergone some major transformations as a result of recent technological changes. This talk discusses the specific nature of live online news – a new media genre that has emerged thanks to the compression of time between the occurrence of a news event and its mediatized presentation in the online environment. Adopting a socio-pragmatic perspective, the talk analyses an extensive data set of live news from British online newspapers in the fields of national politics and sports. The talk outlines several distinct types of online commentaries and their linguistic characteristics on both micro and macro levels, and identifies three main aspects of such ‘news texts in progress’: a distinct narrative structure; a different approach to intertextuality; and a strong audience-directed interactivity. The findings indicate that this genre of specialized discourse represents a new format of not only breaking information but also engaging the audience and, ultimately, transforming the audience’s traditional passive recipient role.
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