Helping law undergraduates make their learning more effective


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BILOVÁ Štěpánka

Rok publikování 2021
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Centrum jazykového vzdělávání

Popis Law undergraduates are often not aware of their needs and expectations in legal English classes. They usually mention learning specific vocabulary, but it is difficult for them to formulate what they should practise in order to cover the full spectrum of situations in which they could use English in their future professional lives. It becomes the role of the teacher to increase their awareness of what and why they work on in the lessons and to make their learning more effective by helping them with metacognition. The presentation mapped the situation in a four-semester Legal English course at Masaryk University taught online. Based on the outcomes of questionnaires it showed how the content of the course is reflected in the students’ feedback about what they actually learnt and practised. The results bring interesting insights into students’ learning and open directions for further improvements of the course.

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