Dechaři versus překližkáři: moravská dychová hudba a slovesný folklór



Rok publikování 2022
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis Wind music as a specific cultural manifestation functioning (not only) in Moravian society is also associated with various forms of verbal communication, some of these forms having the character of verbal folklore. Naming, nicknames, but also society-wide narratives demonstrate the ideas of individuals or collectives about brass music, which in the Czech cultural environment is accompanied by controversy of opinion. Various verbal manifestations most often function as definitions against the musical production and repertoire of brass bands. Such expressions are used to define different layers of the general public against brass bands - representatives and listeners of classical and popular music or members of the so-called folklore movement, who perceive the production of brass bands as a direct opposition to their interpretation of musical and dance folklore material.Verbal folklore in the 21st century is undergoing a significant transformation and is not primarily associated with oral communication. Thanks to the Internet, and especially social networks accessible to a really wide public, its manifestations are also presented in an artistic/pictorial form, the so-called meme. This paper focuses on selected current manifestations of verbal folklore from the Moravian environment, where brass music has a specific position.
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