The Effect of Pragmatics Instruction on the Development of English Students' Writing Skills : Pilot Research Results


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Název česky Vliv výuky pragmatiky na rozvoj písemných dovedností u studentů angličtiny : výsledky pilotního výzkumu


Rok publikování 2022
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis The presentation aimed to summarise the results of the pilot research conducted in the EFL classroom in the Primary school teacher training study programme with the purpose of revealing what effect pragmatics instruction has on the development of EFL students’ writing skills as well as to discover the students’ attitude towards pragmatics instruction and writing. The conclusions drawn from the data collected in the pilot research, in which the method of quasi-experiment was used, imply that the application of pragmatics instruction has the potential to contribute to the development of students’ writing skills and that the students themselves acknowledge this development and enjoy pragmatics instruction.
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