Who is the manager here?: (Self-) assessment of students´ abilities to manage their learning

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Rok publikování 2022
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis When asked about the impact of language advising sessions that are provided for our students, the students report about various positive effects these sessions have on their language learning. The advising sessions are a crucial part of the English Autonomously course which is offered to all students at Masaryk University. As the individual sessions were introduced to support students´ in their self-regulated learning, they should primarily foster their metacognitive skills and their abilities to manage their own learning. This presentation is based on research into how the individual reflective meetings with an advisor work as a pedagogic tool. It is investigated whether and how the advising sessions contribute to development of students´ learner autonomy. The investigation is based on data collected from multiple sources – advising sessions recordings, students´ reflective texts and their self-assessment. Furthermore, a feedback form was designed to gain data about students´ perception of the advising sessions impact. The gained materials are coded and analyzed using qualitative methods. The coding scheme was developed in an abductive way and it consists of learner autonomy descriptors and students´ individual themes related to language learning. The feedback form data is used for triangulation. Holistic interpretation of the whole data sets of selected students should allow gaining a proper insight into their language learning trajectories, their thinking about learning, and thus, to create individual case studies. This talk aims to present a case study that reveals interesting connections as well as disconnections between various metacognitive sub-skills, e.g. planning, monitoring and evaluating learning. The study attempts to portray the student's ability to manage their learning as a dynamic, interrational and context-based phenomenon which is perceived and manifested in multiple ways.
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