Censorship crisis : Analysis of multimodal posts on Twitter and their reception



Rok publikování 2023
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The presented project observes a current crisis regarding censorship on the social media micro-blogging platform Twitter, stemming from its purchase by Elon Musk finalized on the 28th of October 2022. The issues arising on the platform gave rise not only to a lot of public outrage, but also to new opportunities to study creative use of multimodal elements and their reception. This project analyzes two posts made by Elon Musk with multimodal elements (namely memes) from the perspective of poster representation and reception. The first post dates to before Musk’s ownership of Twitter while the second was made after. The study employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods of multimodal discourse analysis to uncover the findings. The qualitative analysis of the two posts is based on contextual elements, concepts such as humor, multimodality, celebrity identity online and power, or Van Dijk’s ideological square and its concepts of the collective Us and the opposing Them (1998). The study uses Wiggins’s elaborated model of meme dimensions (2019), based on Limor Shifman’s introduced dimensions of form, content and stance (2013), to observe the elements contributing to Musk’s representation via memes both before and after the ownership of Twitter. The qualitative analysis then demonstrates how Musk’s representation was received by the wider audience, with the employment of custom classification of the dataset, providing a point of comparison for the reception of the personage both before and after the censorship crisis. The study shows how and whether the rise of censorship on the platform affected communication and representation, specifically in regards to the person considered responsible for the crisis.
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