Nachrichten von der Kriegsfront: Einblicke in die Nürnberger Korrespondenz während des 2. Hussitenkreuzzugs


HEIL Tobias

Rok publikování 2021
Druh Další prezentace na konferencích
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The aim of the lecture is to take stock of the news network of the imperial city of Nuremberg on the basis of the surviving correspondence from the time of the Second Crusade and to typologize it. In this context, the correspondence of the city will be analyzed with regard to the circle of addressees, the contents as well as according to formal structures. The results will then be discussed with regard to concepts of media and communication studies. Can Nuremberg's news be regarded as "war newspapers" (Palacký) or precursors of the so-called "Neue Zeitung"? Or should a different typology be used?

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