The Venus of Věstonice in the mirror of history and contemporary technologies

Název česky Věstonická venuše v horizontu dějin a současných technologií


Rok publikování 2024
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference ZBORNÍK PRÍSPEVKOV z vedeckej konferencie CSTI 2023 Conservation Science, Technology and Industry
Klíčová slova Venus of Věstonice, Technology, Moravian Museum, Copying of artifacts
Popis The paper deals with the oldest figurative representation of a woman made of fired clay. It outlines the historical context and the circumstances of the find of this unique item related to eminent personalities of the interwar archaeology. Excavations carried out on sites where mammoth hunters used to live aroused great interest of the professional as well as general public. This interest in archaeology has persisted till today. This is evidenced by the unprecedented interest in the project created in cooperation of the Moravian Museum and the artist Jiří Pec. The output thereof is a limited edition of copies of the Venus of Věstonice. All what preceded the start of this project that was discussed in the media and triggered a wave of public interest, is part of the present paper. In the research, the original aim of which was a scientific evaluation of the artefact, the most modern technologies and methods were applied enabling to gather, in a non-invasive way, all the data for a further deep analysis and future research. This digital imprint of a unique art work from the Gravettian will remain preserved for future generations and allow its research by the means of digital technologies.

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