Integration of Digital Competences in Preschool Education in the Czech Republic


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Rok publikování 2025
Druh Kapitola v knize
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Pedagogická fakulta

Popis Due to the changing needs of the labour market, which are caused by the rapid development of digital technologies, the development of computational thinking and digital competences at the youngest children is already started in pre-school education. Teaching with digital technologies increases children's motivation to learn, develops creativity, independent thinking, the ability to solve problems, and has many other benefits, which children build on and develop further in primary schools and further education. The Czech Republic, with the support of the European Union, is actively implementing the digitization of education through curriculum reform and investments related to the implementation of the revised curriculum and equipping schools with advanced digital learning tools. The goal of digitization in education from pre-school education is to increase the number of IT professionals, improve advanced digital skills among the population and ensure long-term employment.

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