Visual metaphor as evolutionary older form of expression: Analyzing examples of traditional East Asian religious and power symbols in the digital age

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Rok publikování 2024
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The purpose of this presentation was to tackle the subject of employment of traditional Asian religious and power symbols in the new culture of signs by symbolic means and visual metaphor. While traditional textual metaphors include more exact and linguistically well coded message, the evolutionary older way of expression by visual symbols is more universal and it is observable already at petroglyphs in preliterary period. This paper has integrated more research focuses connected to evolutionary approach, linguistics, study of religions, East Asian history, art, and contemporary development of digital cultures. Regarding attraction of global audience, the symbols are often subject of free visual reception even without understanding of their original meaning. The symbols can be even creatively understood in new unintended contexts and in spontaneous semantic resonances emerging from transcultural contacts.
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