Νeoellinikes spoudes sto Panepistimio Masaryk Tsechias: Prokliseis kai Prooptikes



Rok publikování 2024
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Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

Popis The Modern Greek Studies program at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic has faced challenges for over a decade that are analogous to those prevailing at a global level. The general decline in interest in the humanities raises the urgent question of their future orientation, as the initial purely philological focus, which emphasized the diachronic aspect within a self-contained academic program, is no longer viable. The paper addresses the solution currently found for the master's program which situates Modern Greek Studies within a broader framework and reflects the required trend toward its practical application. Specifically, the solution involves the establishment of a Modern Greek specialization within the master's program titled Translation of Modern European Languages which has already been well-established at the university. Aside from the positive aspects (e.g. common theoretical courses), this new direction brings additional considerations and challenges, particularly regarding emerging technologies and the role of the translator in the age of artificial intelligence (AI).
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