Research on the Business Company Successfulness

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BLAŽEK Ladislav

Rok publikování 2001
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Public relations na tle problémow zarzadzania
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Ekonomie
Klíčová slova transform of economy; joint-stock companies; financial analysis; faktors of successfulness
Popis To transform a centrally managed economy to a free-market one means in the Czech republic, similarly like in other post-communist countries, a complex and inconsistent process. Its monitoring, analysis, or possible prediction are very important and useful. It enables us to understand deeply the progression trends and a context of this unprecedented phenomenon, and thus enrich theory.Simultaneously, it creates a professional background of knowledge for a qualified preparation of proceedings in the field of economy politics, which is indisputable asset for practise. A range of studies have been made on this subject, referring both to the macro-economic and micro-economic levels. The Department of Business Management at the Masaryk University in Brno has dealt with problems of transformation of business sphere for more than five years. From the original research, based mostly on the secondary analyses of already existing empirical studies and other technical sources, our research-project, based primarily on own empirical survey has brew up during last two years. The aim of this research, which is now running in frame of a three-year project of The Czech Grant Agency, is a survey of factors influencing the rate of successfulness of business companies in the Czech republic.
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