EVA Ratio In Industrial Companies Analysis

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Rok publikování 2003
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Management, Economic and Business in new Europe
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Ekonomie
Klíčová slova EVA ratio; financial analysis
Popis The paper gives a notice to risks and problems associated with using the EVA ratio in corporate praxise. We used partly experiences and effects from our research: Multifactorial Analysis of the Czech Companies Succesfullness. The article shows the result of the EVA analysis from twenty tree Czech companies from different branches of industry that were fairly analysed. The methodology was based on standard procedures used by Ministry of Industry and Trade or Czech Statistical Office uses. Our hypothesis stated that the EVA Ratio is useful tool not only for evaluating the successfulness of a company and can be used for determination of break-points in history of a company. This hypothesis has been partially verified - 70 % of managers involved in our qualitative research confirmed determined period (or year) as a break point, while the others disagreed or explained this break-point as a result of accounting operations or large investment.
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