Development of mergers and acquisitions in the conditions of the Czech economy 2001–2010.

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Název česky Vývoj fúzí a akvizic v podmínkách české ekonomiky 2001 - 2010


Rok publikování 2011
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Ekonomie
Klíčová slova company transformations; types of mergers; merger development; affecting factors; macroeconomic environment; measurement methods
Popis This paper presents the first results of a research project which has the aims to identify the problems appearing during the preparation of mergers in compliance with valid Czech regulations and to analyze economic causes and consequences of mergers. At the first stage it was necessary to compile a basic dataset in a structure needed for a statistical analysis. The aim of the analysis presented in this paper is to ascertain, both theoretically and empirically, how the external environment affected the development of mergers of trading companies in the conditions of the Czech economy. The covered period is the past ten years, i.e. 2001–2010, when the development of the global economy was affected by the bank crisis in the USA and the economic recession. The analysis of the development of mergers and acquisitions focuses on three groups of factors affecting activities in the field of company combinations. These are mergers and acquisitions which are subject to approval by regulatory bodies, the effect of new regulations of financing (financial factors) and the effect of the macroeconomic situation in the form of GDP indicator and PX index. Macroeconomic indicators are related to mergers whose development has not been published or explored within scientific research. The results of the analysis allowed us to describe the dependence of activities in the field of company mergers which took place in the Czech Republic in the past decade on the selected factors of the external environment.
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