An Analysis of Unsuccessful Mergers in the Czech Environment

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SEDLÁČEK Jaroslav KUHROVÁ Kristýna

Rok publikování 2012
Druh Článek ve sborníku
Konference Proceedings of the In the International Conference on European Financial Systems 2012. Brno: MU ESF, 2012
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Ekonomicko-správní fakulta

Obor Ekonomie
Klíčová slova company transformations; mergers and acquisitions; macroeconomic environment; net assets; economic effects of mergers; statistical analysis;
Popis The article presents preliminary results of research on accounting, tax and legal aspects of mergers on the Czech market. The starting point is a database of completed mergers in the Czech region, which includes data excerpted from the Commercial Register for the past ten years (2001-2010). The data structure to assess trends in the Czech market mergers (see previously published papers at international conferences authors WSEAS), analyzing the economic effects of mergers and point out possible causes of their (un) success. From the economic characteristics of successful mergers were selected net assets that represents an accounting value of the wealth of its owners. Statistical hypothesis testing, it was confirmed that the merger does not affect the change in net assets for the period of three years after the implementation of the merger. Significant developments dependence net assets in the merger was demonstrated after the introduction of stratification of the population by size of enterprise.
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