Vienna International Model United Nations

8. 10. 2018

VIMUN Committee Session

25th Anniversary Conference: 04 - 08 August 2019, United Nations Vienna, Austria, Europe

Experience diplomacy at one of the most authentic United Nations simulation conferences with students from all over the world on the occasion of 40 Years Vienna International Centre.

A Model United Nations (MUN) is a meeting where students authentically simulate negotiations of specific committees and organs of the United Nations. Participants choose a country and research their chosen country's position regarding a specific topic. After preparation, they step into the shoes of diplomats and represent this country in a committee. They debate, convince, bring forward new solutions and solve a world conflict with their own resolution.

VIMUN Participants get a Certificate as Valuable Asset for Applications

Why participate at MUNs?

Thousands of students actively take part in MUNs, debating either at training sessions at clubs or at international conferences that are organized all over the world.

The motivation for participation in MUNs is simple, yet very convincing:

  • improve your negotiation and public speaking skills
  • become a better team-worker and leader
  • get an insight into an UN diplomat's work
  • make practical use of your political knowledge
  • meet and stay in touch with students from all around the world

Eagle at the Imperial Palace Vienna

Why Vienna?

Vienna - for many centuries the center of the Habsburg Empire and the city known for the Vienna Congress - has turned from the role as "imperial capital" to a meeting place for various international conferences. Since 1979 Vienna is one of the "United Nations capitals" with about 4000 people from all over the world working for the Vienna based International Organizations such as IAEA, UNIDO, and UNODC. In addition, Vienna serves as headquarter also for OSCE or OPEC. Vienna combines the facades of the past, the lifestyle of the present space for reflections for the future.

VIMUN is organized by the United Nations Youth and Student Association of Austria - Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs (UNYSA-AUSTRIA-AFA) as Austrian youth link to the United Nations and to the Austrian Foreign Ministry. Already since 1995 every year up to 250 students and young graduates from about 40 different nations participate at VIMUN. As the conference entirely takes place at the United Nations Office at Vienna, VIMUN is perhaps the most authentic MUN world-wide. VIMUN is known for its professional organization and its balanced programme with sincere negotiations on the day as well as a unique social programme in the evenings and nights - in the tradition of the "Vienna Congress".

VIMUN welcomes experienced MUN participants (some Committees will be exclusively reserved for advanced MUNers) but also attracts students who take part in a MUN for the first time. VIMUN is open to students and young people from 18 to 35 years of age and all educational backgrounds from all nations worldwide.

VIMUN Delegate

How to Participate?

  • check all information at the VIMUN homepage
  • choose a committee and country positions
  • fill in the online registration
  • wait for confirmation of your application by VIMUN Team
  • transfer fees
  • wait for final confirmation by VIMUN Team

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