Winter School: International Online Teaching for Junior Researchers - Call for Application

6. 10. 2018

Winter School: International Online Teaching for Junior Researchers

University of Potsdam, March 11th-16th 2019

Call for Application

Description & Program

Have you experienced troubles with your teaching? Do you believe that being a good researcher does not automatically make you a good teacher? Have you thought about teaching collaborations with other Ph.D. candidates or colleagues abroad? Or are you simply interested in receiving a comprehensive overview of university teaching approaches and exchanging with experienced colleagues?
The Winter School aims to deepen junior researchers’ teaching skills in an international environment. To this end, participants will be provided with didactic training by experts in university teaching. The Winter School is open to both junior researchers with and without teaching experience. It will be a place where participants can find partners for future international teaching and learning collaborations and exchange on teaching experiences. The program is structured around three main objectives:

  1. Mix basic principles of university teaching with innovative methods;
  2. Define together an appropriate level of international networking and integration and provide participants with tools and methods to concretely organize international teaching and learning collaboration;
  3. Discuss and design an international horizon for teaching and learning scenarios.

The training workshops will address
… basic principles of university teaching
… internationalization of teaching and learning through online cooperation and digitization
… innovative didactic methods and tools.
A particular focus will be on French-German teaching collaborations, as a concrete example of application. A roundtable will discuss the relationship between non formalized and curricular embedded transnational teaching and learning scenarios.

Information & Application

Conveners: the University of Potsdam, the Center of History at Sciences Po and GIRAF-IFFD (Interdisciplinary Research Group France-Germany)

The number of participants is limited to 25.

Eligibility: We invite junior researchers (Ph.D. candidates and post-doc researchers), with or without teaching experience, from all countries and all disciplines to apply, and strongly encourage Ph.D. candidates with cotutelle agreements.
Working language: English; Roundtable discussion: German and partly English
Participation is free of charge.
Accommodation in student hall in Potsdam can be provided if needed. The organizers might be able to offer travel grants upon acceptance of further funds.
Please send to a CV, a short letter of intent explaining your interest in international teaching and an outline of a teaching idea in connection with your Ph.D. project (up to 600 words). Please indicate in your application if you need accommodation arrangement.
Deadline for application: 10th October 2018
Applicants who have been admitted will be notified in October 2018.

In case of any inquiry, please contact:
Alexander Knoth
Online International Learning - OIL.UP
University of Potsdam

Please find a print version of the Call here.


Provisional Program

March, 11th – Interculturality as competence for international learning and teaching
9.00 Introduction & getting to know each other: Challenges of cross-campus virtualized teaching
10:30 Break
10.45 Brainstorming: Potentials and boundaries for collaborations between French and German junior researchers:
Comparing learning environments and academic systems
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Workshop 1: How to participate in a global teaching and research community?
17.15 Coming Together

March, 12th – Learning in a digitalized world
9.00 Workshop 2: Basic principles of teaching: Pedagogical concepts and tools
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Workshop 3: Toward digital education: basic principles of media supported learning
17.30 Speed Dating: Find your next teaching partner

March, 13th – Online International Learning: Internationalization through e-learning
9.00 Workshop 4: The Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) model – basic principles (part 1)
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Workshop 4: How to coil? – concrete examples (part 2)
17.15 Roundtable: Internationalisierung der Lehre durch Digitalisierung – zwischen informellen Kollaborationen
und institutionellen Partnerschaften
19.00 Reception

March, 14th – Hands-on experiences
9.00 Workshop 5: Online scenarios for international collaborations: good practices (part 1)
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Workshop 5: Buffet: Digital tools and pedagogical techniques (part 2)

March, 15th
9.00 Workshop 6: Design your own collaborative online international learning scenario
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Wrap Up

March, 16th
Sightseeing in Berlin and/or Potsdam

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