"Daar gaat Kafka die dacht dat hij het ergste kon verzinnen!" : Auteursverwijzingen in het proza van Gust Gils


ROYEAERD Sofie Rose-Anne W.

Rok publikování 2014
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Filozofická fakulta

www Digitální knihovna FF MU
Obor Písemnictví, mas-media, audiovize
Klíčová slova paratext; intertextuality; mentions; Gust Gils
Popis Mentions of canonised writers in reviews function as classifications of literary works. (VERDAASDONK 2008) Writers as well may use such references to classify and legitimize their own works, both in texts and in what Gérard GENETTE (1987) has coined the paratext. This article examines how explicit references to other writers function in the prose of the Flemish writer Gust Gils (1924 – 2002). Apart from the texts, four peritextual elements are examined (namely titles, mottos, dedications and footnotes). All together 35 different mentions of writers appear in the twelve volumes of short stories. This explicit form of intertextuality has a threefold function in Gils' prose. I argue that Gils not only uses mentions to legitimize his own work and mark out his poetical preferences, but also to undermine traditional functions of intertextuality.
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