Online papers
Books are listed on a separate page.
- (2024):
Completeness in Partial Type Theory. Journal of Logic and Computation, Oxford University Press, 34(1): 1-32. (with Petr Kuchyňka)
- (2024):
Two Cases of Deduction with Non-referring Descriptions. Online. In Indrzejczak, Andrzej; Zawidski, Michal. Electronic Proceedings In Theoretical Computer Science (415),
Sydney: Open Publ, Assocopen Publ Assoc. 48-65.
ISSN 2075-2180.
- (2022): The Rule of Existential Generalisation and Explicit Substitution. Logic and Logical Philosophy, 31
(1): 105-141.
- (2022):
Puzzles of Existential Generalisation from Type-theoretic Perspective. In: A. Indrzejczak, M. Zawidzki (Eds): 10th International Conference
on Non-Classical Logics. Theory and Applications (NCL 2022) EPTCS 358, pp. 68–83, doi:10.4204/EPTCS.358.6
- (2019): Explicitní/implicitní přesvědčení
a derivační systémy [Explicit/Implicit Belief and Derivation Systems]. Filosofický časopis 67(1): 89-120. (with I. Pezlar) (not available due to the journal policy)
- (2018): Existential Import and Relations of Categorical and Modal Categorical Statements. Logic and Logical Philosophy 27(3): 271-300. DOI: 10.12775/llp.2017.026 X
- (2017): Two Standard and Two Modal Squares of Opposition. In: J.-Y. Béziau, G. Basti (eds.), The Square of Opposition: A Cornerstone of Thought, Cham: Birkhäuser, 119-142. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-45062-9_8 (Springer on-line version)
- (2014): On Interaction of Semantics and Deduction in Transparent Intensional Logic (Is Tichý's Logic a Logic?). Logic and Logical Philosophy 23(1): 57-68. DOI: 10.12775/llp.2013.035 X
- (2013): Co jsou Russellovy propoziční funkce [What Russell's Propositional Functions Are]. Filosofický časopis, 61(mimořádné číslo 2): 109-146.
- (2013):
Explikace a dedukce: od jednoduché k rozvětvené teorii typů [Explication and Deduction: from Simple to Ramified Theory of Types]. Organon F 20(Supplementary Issue 2): 37-53. X
- (2012): On the Czech Logic in the 20th Century. In: A. Schumann (ed.), Logic in Central and Eastern Europe. Lanham (USA): University Press of America, 229-243. (more on Amazon)
- (2012): Je Tichého logika logikou? (O vztahu logické analýzy a dedukce) [Is Tichý\'s Logic a Logic? On the Relation of Logical Analysis and Deduction]. Filosofický časopis 60(2): 245-254.
- (2011): Conceptual and Derivation Systems. Logic and Logical Philosophy 20(1-2): 159-174. (with P. Kuchyňka) DOI: 10.12775/llp.2011.008 X
- (2011): Semantic Concept of Existential Presupposition. Human Affairs 21(3): 249-261. DOI: 10.2478/s13374-011-0026-4
- (2010): On Partiality and Tichý's Transparent Intensional Logic. Hungarian Philosophical Review (Magyar Filozófiai Szemle) 54(4): 120-128. X
- (2008): Introduction to Pavel Tichý's Philosophy and Logic. In: B. Horyna (ed.), Philosophical Wonderings, Olomouc: Nakladatelství Olomouc, 43-50.
paradoxes and semantic concepts
- (2018): The Typing Approach to Church-Fitch's Knowability Paradox and its Revenge Form, Prolegomena 17(1): 31-49. DOI: 10.26362/20180202 X
- (2017): Russellian Typing Knowledge and Fitch's Paradox of Knowability, In: J.-Y. Béziau, I.M.L. D'Ottaviano, A. Costa-Leite (eds.), Aftermath of the Logical Paradise (Colecao CLE 41), Campinas: CLE-Unicamp, 401-423.
- (2014): Explicating Truth in Transparent Intensional Logic. In: R. Ciuni, H. Wansing, C. Willkomen (eds.), Recent Trends in Philosophical Logic, 41, Springer Verlag, 167-177. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06080-4_12 (Springer on-line version)
- (2014): The Barber Paradox: On its Paradoxicality and its Relationship to Russell's Paradox. Prolegomena 13(2): 269-278. X
- (2013): Fitchův paradox poznatelnosti a rozvětvená teorie typů
[Fitch's Knowability Paradox and Ramified Theory of Types]. Organon F 20(Supplementary Issue 1): 144-165. X
- (2012): Základy explikace sémantických pojmů [Foundations of Eplication of Semantics Notions]. Organon F 19(4): 488-505. X
- (2012): Semantic Paradoxes and Transparent Intensional Logic. In: M. Peliš, V. Punčochář (eds.),The Logica Yearbook 2011, London: College Publications, 239-252.
- (2009): Lhářský paradox, význam a pravdivost [Liar Paradox, Meaning and Truth]. Filosofický časopis 57(3): 325-351.
semantics of natural language, etc.
- (2017): Modal Argument against Nominal Description Theory. Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 31(1): 77-100;
- (2014): Tichý's Possible Worlds. Organon F 21(4): 471-491. X
- (2014): A Model of Language in a Synchronic and Diachronic Sense. In: P. Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Issues in Philosophy of Language and Linguistic (Lodz Studies in English and General Linguistic 2), Lodz: Lodz University Press, 109-123.
- (2014): Constructional vs. Denotational Conception of Aboutness. Organon F 21(2): 219-236. X
- (2011): Sémantika jmen ve fikci: obhajoba a rozvinutí Tichého koncepce [Semantics of Names in Fiction: A Defence and Extension of Tichý's Theory]. Organon F 18(1): 72-83. X
- (2010): Is Logical Analysis of Natural Language a Translation?. In: P. Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Philosophy of Language and Linguistics Volume I: The Formal Turn, Frankfurt am Main: Ontos Verlag, 229-243.
- (2010): Co obnáší kontingentní existence individuí [What is Contingent Existence of Individuals?]. Organon F 17(3): 374-387. X
- (2009): Structured Language Meanings and Structured Possible Worlds. In: V.A. Munz, K. Puhl, J. Wang (eds.), Language and the World. Wien: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 349-350.
- (2009): Projikování a abstraktní vs. konkrétní individua [Projection and Abstract / Concrete Individuals]. Studia Neoaristotelica 6(1): 234-246; rewritten version published as
(2017): Abstract and Concrete Individuals and Projection. Organon F 24(Supplementary Issue): 74-88. DOI: 10.5840/studneoar2009624
- (2008): Reformulating Tichý's Conception of Bare Individuals. Organon F 15(2): 143-167. X
- (2008): Rethinking Modal Argument Against Nominal Description Theory. In: A. Heike, H. Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction - Abstraction - Analysis (Proceedings of the 31th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2008), Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society, 271-278.
- (2008): Holá individua nejsou bez vlastností [Bare Individuals are not without Properties]. In: M. Zouhar (ed.), Jednotliviny, všeobecniny, významy, Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV, 158-172.
- (2008): Conceptual Dependence of Verisimilitude Vindicated. A Farewell to Miller's Argument. Organon F 15(3): 369-382. X
- (2007): Conceptual Dependence of Verisimilitude (Against Miller's Translation Invariance Demand). Organon F 14(3): 334-353. X
- (2007): Defining Basic Kinds of Properties. In: T. Marvan, M. Zouhar (eds.), The World of Language and the World beyond Language (A Festschrift for Pavel Cmorej), Bratislava: Filozofický ústav SAV, 69-107.
- (2006): Co je sémantika[What a Semantics Is]. Filosofický časopis 54(2): 267-279.
- (2000): Denotace a reference v hudbě [Denotation and Reference in Music, cf. Musical Work and Its Semantics). In: P. Cmorej (ed.), Denotácia, referencia a význam, 93-100.
- (2000): Model skladby na základě pojmu funkce [The Model of Composition on the Basis of the Concept of Function]. In: J. Haluška (ed.), Ambiguity and Music, Bratislava: Seminar Mathematics and Music, 122-129.
Last update: 03/04/2024.