Field of study: Classical Philology
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- The Genesis and the Development of Satire in Roman Literature – graduate 2016
- Criticism of emperors and society in Apocolocyntosis Divi Claudii and Satyricon – graduate 2015
- Repertoire of characters in Roman Comedy: palliata, togata, atellana, mimus. – graduate 2013
- Gifts for readers: a comparison of Martial’s books "Xenia" and "Apophoreta" and the collection "Aenigmata Symposii". – graduate 2013
- Centones Vergiliani: an intertextual analysis of late ancient cento epyllia on mythological themes – graduate 2012
- Transformations of Apuleius' Metamorphoses. An Attempt at a Complex Analysis. – graduate 2009
- Vita Aesopi. Novel or biography? – graduate 2007
- Analýza a srovnání Gelliova spisu Noctes Atticae a Macrobiova díla Saturnalia – graduate 2005
- Zpracování mýtu o Argonautech v díle Apollónia Rhodského a Valeria Flakka – graduate 2003