Postdoc at FF MU

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 at Masaryk University, Brno

Masaryk University (MUNI), a leading Czech university in H2020 and HEU programs welcomes researchers who would like to apply for the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships in the field of Humanities. MSCA PF allows researchers to implement their own research projects whilst developing their transferable skills and competencies. This leads to improving employment opportunities and further career progress. The Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, holds the HR Award and offers a stimulating modern scientific environment including courses in research and transferable skills. This will enable you to develop a scientific career in our modern research facilities.

Career at FF MU


MSCA-PF not only covers postdoctoral salary but also includes family and mobility allowance, as well as contributing to research, training, and networking for the whole project duration, usually two years. In the Czech Republic, you have a triple chance for funding with only one application as shown below:

  • MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • ERA Fellowship for widening countries
  • Structural Funds financing MSCA OP J.A.C. – achieved by 80% of applicants (scoring 70% or higher in MSCA PF)

Our supervisors

Experienced supervisors from the Faculty of Arts are interested in working with talented researchers.

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Martin Lang

Dr. Lang’s work lies at the intersection between the humanities and the cognitive and behavioral sciences, combining laboratory experiments with field studies to investigate how the human mind creates cultural niches and functions in them. He pursues a combination of state-of-the-art theories on the human mind with cutting-edge wearable technology to answer long-standing questions in the study of human culture. For example, Dr. Lang led a team systematically investigating a hypothesis that religious ritual helps alleviate anxiety. He also led several studies investigating the effects of dance and music on coordination, cooperation, and social bonding. Dr. Lang’s latest theoretical work focused on the evolution of ritual behavior as a platform for communicating a commitment to joint action using costly signals. Adding experimental evidence to this theoretical model, he led a registered report on the effectiveness of costly signaling, showing that such signals help reliably assort cooperators and that this function intensifies with pressures on cooperation such as intergroup conflict. Dr. Lang is currently a PI on a project that investigates cognitive computations facilitating such cooperative communication.

Dr. Lang is looking for postdocs with an interest in human cooperation and, specifically, the role religious beliefs and behaviors play in facilitating cooperation. He is open to tackling this question from various disciplinary angles, including behavioral sciences, cognitive science and neuroscience, economics, and evolutionary sciences. He offers access to facilities for experimental research, including portable devices such as fNIRS or eye-tracking at HUME Lab and interdisciplinary teamwork at LEVYNA.

  • Lang, M., Bahna, V., Shaver, J. H., Reddish, P., & Xygalatas, D. (2017). Sync to link: Endorphin-mediated synchrony effects on cooperation. Biological Psychology, 127, 191–197.
  • Lang, M., Chvaja, R., Purzycki, B. G., Václavík, D., & Staněk, R. (2022). Advertising cooperative phenotype through costly signals facilitates collective action. Royal Society Open Science, 9, 202202.
  • Lang, M., Krátký, J., Shaver, J. H., Jerotijević, D., & Xygalatas, D. (2015). Effects of anxiety on spontaneous ritualized behavior. Current Biology, 25(14), 1892–1897.
  • Lang, M., Krátký, J., & Xygalatas, D. (2022). Effects of predictable behavioral patterns on anxiety dynamics. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 19240.
  • Lang, M., & Kundt, R. (2023). The evolution of human ritual behavior as a cooperative signaling platform. Religion, Brain & Behavior, e-print before press.
  • Lang, M., Purzycki, B. G., Apicella, C. L., Atkinson, Q. D., Bolyanatz, A., Cohen, E., Handley, C., Klocová, E. K., Lesorogol, C., Mathew, S., McNamara, R. A., Moya, C., Placek, C. D., Soler, M., Vardy, T., Weigel, J. L., Willard, A. K., Xygalatas, D., Norenzayan, A., & Henrich, J. (2019). Moralizing gods, impartiality, and religious parochialism across 15 societies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 286(1898), 1–10.
  • Lang, M., Xygalatas, D., Kavanagh, C. M., Boccardi, N., Halberstadt, J., Jackson, C., Martínez, M., Reddish, P., Tong, E. M. W., Vázquez, A., Whitehouse, H., Yamamoto, M. E., Yuki, M., & Gomez, A. (2022). Outgroup threat and the emergence of cohesive groups: A cross-cultural examination. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 25(7), 1739–1759.
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Tomáš Glomb

Tomáš Glomb is the director of the Centre for the Digital Research of Religion at the Department for the Study of Religions, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. He obtained his Ph.D. in the Study of Religions at MUNI in 2018. In 2020-2022, he worked as a postdoctoral Marie-Sklodowska Fellow at the University of Bergen in Norway on the project “Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation”. Dr. Glomb focuses on analyzing the factors involved in the spatio-temporal transmission of ancient religions across the Mediterranean by formal methods such as network and spatial analysis. His main interest in this research domain is the dynamics of the spread of Egyptian cults under the rule of the Ptolemaic dynasty and the cultural transmission of Roman worship.

Dr. Glomb invites postdocs interested in quantitative approaches to religious phenomena of the past on varying scales of analysis (site, regional, or macro level). Together with other experts from the Centre for the Digital Research of Religion, he is able to provide supervision and guidance to the postdoc in the context of Digital Humanities methods, especially GIS analytical tools, quantitative textual analysis, or network analysis.

  • Glomb, Tomáš. 2022. Connecting the Isiac Cults: Formal Modeling in the Hellenistic Mediterranean. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
  • Glomb, Tomáš. 2021. “The Spread of the Cult of Asclepius in the Context of the Roman Army Benefited from the Presence of Physicians: A Spatial Proximity Analysis.” PLOS ONE 16 (8): e0256356.
  • Glomb, Tomáš, Vojtěch Kaše, and Petra Heřmánková. 2022. “Popularity of the Cult of Asclepius in the Times of the Antonine Plague: Temporal Modeling of Epigraphic Evidence.” Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 43 (June): 103466.
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Ivan Foletti

Ivan Foletti is a Full Professor of Art History with international scholarly background (PhD title from the University of Lausanne, numerous fellowships and collaborations across Europe and in the US) and the head of the Centre for Early Medieval Studies at the Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, an interdisciplinary research group with very dynamic development over the past 10 years. His broad research interests cover the history and historiography of art history and the visual and material cultures spreading across Central Europe, the Mediterranean, and the South Caucasus. Using art historical methods as well as state-of-the-art and experimental technologies, his research team challenges established narratives in the field, refocusing the experience of pre-modern art on the body in interaction with man-made, natural, and performative environments. The historiographical axis of his research focuses especially on deconstructing imperialistic, nationalistic, and colonial perspectives to reveal the manipulative uses of the medieval past in modern and contemporary societies. Professor Foletti is the editor-in-chief of the internationally renowned journal Convivium, indexed in WoS and Scopus, and director of several book series. He was awarded with numerous national and international projects, currently coordinating a H2020 MSCA-RISE project ( and supervising a MSCA-IF project.

Professor Foletti invites post-doc fellows whose research tackles any aspects of the reception of pre-modern cultures and their role in shaping the present. MSCA candidates may benefit from his rich experience with supervision and coordination of interdisciplinary research, a broad network of international cooperations, and his extensive knowledge of the current trends in the field.

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Petra Mutlová

Petra Mutlová is a classical philologist interested in medieval Latin language and literature as well as late medieval history. She leads an international research group based at the Department of Classical Studies that prepares critical editions of various medieval Latin sources, focusing on the works of Jan Hus, a seminal figure of the Czech Reformation, and John of Capestrano, a famous Franciscan preacher of Italian origin. The outstanding international outreach of this research is guaranteed by the appearance of the critical editions in a special series of the Corpus Christianorum of the Brepols publishers.

In her research, Petra Mutlová studies the spread and dissemination of ideas in medieval Latin texts, particularly emphasizing manuscript studies and textual criticism in the broadest context of medieval written culture. She is interested in the concept of authorship and anonymity in medieval literature, in the academic life and literary production at medieval universities, and last but not least, in the possibilities of quantitative analyses of medieval texts.

Petra Mutlová invites early career researchers interested in medieval texts and manuscripts. She is happy to supervise projects on making accessible and contextualizing the wealth of information these intriguing sources contain on the life of pre-modern societies.

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Wei-lun Lu

Wei-lun Lu (Habilitated in general and diachronic linguistics at Masaryk University, 2023; Ph.D. in linguistics at National Taiwan University, 2011) is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Asian Studies of Masaryk University. He has research interests in cognitive-oriented contrastive analysis, emphasizing the cultural, stylistic, and poetic ramifications of the linguistic tool. He has published in Cognitive Linguistics, Review of Cognitive Linguistics, Metaphor and Symbol, and Discourse and Society. Currently, Wei-lun serves as the Review Editor of Review of Cognitive Linguistics and is on the editorial board of International Journal of Language and Culture (John Benjamins), Cognitive Linguistic Studies (John Benjamins), Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education (Springer), Studia Orientalia Slovaca (Comenius University Press, Slovakia), and Acta Linguistica Asiatica (University of Ljubljana Press, Slovenia).

Wei-lun welcomes early career researchers to work with him in the field of cognitive linguistics, cultural linguistics or anthropological linguistics.

  • LU, Wei-lun, Svitlana SHURMA and Suzanne KEMMER. Delivering the unconventional across languages : A Cognitive Grammar analysis of nonce words in “Jabberwocky” and its Ukrainian renditions. Review of Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2020, vol. 18, No 1, p. 244-274.
  • LU, Wei-lun. Viewpoint and subjective construal across languages: English inversion, associated strategies and their Chinese renditions in multiple parallel texts. Cognitive Linguistic Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2020, Volume 7, No 2, p. 334-356.
  • LU, Wei-lun. Time, tense and viewpoint shift across languages: A Multiple-Parallel-Text approach to “tense shifting” in a tenseless language. Cognitive Linguistics. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019, vol. 30, No 2, p. 377-397.
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Paolo Divizia

Paolo Divizia is Associate professor of Textual Criticism (Filologia italiana), History of Italian Language and History of Italian Literature. He is also member of the Doctoral Teaching Board in the PhD programme in Humanities at the University of Ferrara. He studied in Italy (MA at the University of Turin, PhD at the University of Parma) and has been cooperating with quite a few international research projects (such as the DiVo. Dizionario dei Volgarizzamenti, OVI Institute in Florence; Alfonso de Cartagena. Obras Completas, IEMYR, Universidad de Salamanca; Centro di Ricerca di Ecdotica e Analisi dei Testi letterari, Università di Urbino; At the Crossroads of Memories: Art and Representation in 14th-century Venice, MU in Brno). In 2014 he founded the “Seminario permanente di Filologia italiana e romanza” in Brno.

Divizia’s broad research interests focus on textual criticism, medieval vernacular translations from Latin to Italian or between Romance vernacular languages, moral treatises and rethoric (Brunetto Latini, Bono Giamboni, Disticha Catonis, sayings of philosophers), multi-text manuscripts, also from a theoretical point of view, within a framework which includes both a textual and material approach, both a synchronic and diachronic approach (a topic about which he is ofted invited to give lectures and seminars).

Associate prof. Paolo Divizia invites early career post-doc researchers interested in medieval vernacular texts and manuscripts, with a focus on textual transmission, vernacular translations from Latin to and between Romance vernacular languages (such as Italian, French, Catalan, Castilian), multi-text manuscripts, interdisciplinary research, philological theory. He will be happy to supervise projects involving any of such study fields. Post-doc researchers may benefit from his rich and long-standing experience in the field of manuscripts and textual studies. Any research projects involving texts and transmission in the area of medieval Romance languages and literatures, texts transmitted by more than a witness, multitext manuscripts to be studied on their own or in connection with other multi-text manuscripts bearing at least partly the same works, are welcome.

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Zuzana Fonioková

Zuzana Fonioková is based at the Department of Czech Literature. However, her research interests go beyond Czech literature. Her recent project combines narrative theory, life writing studies, and narrative psychology to analyse the narrative strategies of self-representation in different genres, modes, and media, including autofiction and autobiographical comics. Currently, she is especially interested in the ways life writing engages with hegemonic discourses, cultural narratives, and dominant storytelling templates for certain experiences. Her previous project focused on unreliable narration (her book Kazuo Ishiguro and Max Frisch: Bending Facts in Unreliable and Unnatural Narration was published in 2015).

Zuzana Fonioková invites postdocs with the following research interests: narrative theory; life writing; narrative, cognitive, cultural, and discursive psychology; fictionality and factuality; autofiction; autobiographical comics; identity construction in intermedial contexts; contemporary fiction.

Ivo Buzek

Ivo Buzek is a Hispanist specializing in the early phases of Spanish language development and historical sociolinguistics. He has authored numerous publications on the history of the Spanish lexicon, with a particular focus on argot and slang. He has written two monographs on the history of Spanish Gypsy lexicography and on Roma lexicon in contemporary Spanish. In recent years, he has published studies on the history of argot and criminal slang in Mexican Spanish. His recent work also includes sociolinguistic interpretations of lexicographical entries in 18th and 19th-century Spanish dictionaries, a topic researched within teams at Spanish universities, including UAB and UCa.

Doc. Buzek invites postdoctoral researchers interested in historical sociolinguistics, the history of Spanish lexis, the development of regional varieties of Spanish, and marginal slang to collaborate.

  • BUZEK, Ivo. Las variables sociolingüísticas en el DA1 y su valor. Los casos de las voces de mujeres, de muchachos y de la gente rústica. In Manuel Rivas Zancarrón, Julián Sancha Vázquez. Variación e ideología lingüísticas en el español de los siglos XVIII y XIX. Madrid - Frankfurt am Main: Iberoamericana - Vervuert, 2025, s. 179-197. Lengua y Sociedad en el Mundo Hispánico. ISBN 978-84-9192-489-0.
  • BUZEK, Ivo. Actitudes lingüísticas negativas en el Diccionario de Autoridades (1726-1739). Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie. 2024, roč. 140, č. 4, s. 1108-1125. ISSN 1865-9063. Dostupné z:
  • BUZEK, Ivo. El reencuentro con el léxico de la delincuencia en el primer diccionario de mexicanismos. SIGNO Y SENA-REVISTA DEL INSTITUTO DE LINGUISTICA. ARGENTINA: UNIV BUENOS AIRES, INST LINGUISTICA, 2022, roč. 42, julio-diciembre, s. 1-22. ISSN 2314-2189. Dostupné z:
  • BUZEK, Ivo. El léxico argótico y popular mexicano en la novela Astucia (1865-1866) de Luis G. Inclán. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies. 2021, roč. 98, č. 10, s. 1001-1018. ISSN 1475-3839. Dostupné z:
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Jiří Zounek

Jiří Zounek works as an Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Sciences at the Faculty of Arts at Masaryk University (Czech Republic). For a long time, he has been focusing on the history of Czech pedagogy and school systems in the twentieth century and, simultaneously, on the use of digital technologies in education. He has been the grantee or a project partner in several research and development projects for the past ten years.

Jiri uses quantitative and qualitative research methods to research digital technologies (including AI) in education. He focuses on contemporary youth learning with digital technologies in different settings (school, family, online) and contexts. It also focuses on teachers' work with digital technologies, as well as on adult life and work in the era of digital technologies and AI.

In his research on the history of education, he uses, among other things, the oral history method to capture the unique experience and memory of teachers or principals in socialist and post-socialist primary schools.

He has (co-)authored books about ICT in primary schools, teachers and technology, mobile technologies in education, and e-learning. He is the principal author of Life and Learning of Digital Teens. Adolescents and Digital Technology in the Czech Republic (Springer, 2022) or (Post)Socialist Transformation of Primary Schools: Processes, Stories and Challenges in the Czech Republic (Springer, 2024). In recent years, he has published studies in Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior or Paedagogica Historica.

Jiří Zounek will be happy to collaborate with postdoctoral colleagues on topics that address the lives and learning of youth and adults in the digital era. In our joint research, we will look for new or innovative methods to best recognize, describe, explain and understand learning processes in the 21st century.

Jiří Zounek also offers to collaborate on research on schools, schooling or pedagogy in Central Europe's second half of the 20th century. This is an interesting opportunity for postdoctoral researchers to explore these topics directly in a country with a communist past in education. Interdisciplinary approaches or international comparisons are welcome in both research topics.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should be ambitious postdoctoral researchers who meet the following criteria:

  • to have defended their Ph.D. thesis at the call deadline at the latest
  • max 8 years from the date of award of their first doctoral degree
  • must not have resided in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months during the last 3 years at the time of the deadline (11th September 2024)

Support to applicants

The Office for Research and Development at the Faculty of Arts, together with the central Grant office, offers support to suitable applicants. This includes the proposal preparation process in the form of personal consultations and proposal reviews.

If you are interested in applying, with Masaryk University as the host institution, please send your CV with your experience, chosen topic, and a project abstract.


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