Courses taught
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Arts
Spring 2006 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- British Cultural Studies
- English Social History 1066 - 1707
- Independent Readings - Kyzlinková (AJ19619, AJ29619, UZAJ9619)
- Introduction to British Studies II
- Literary and Cultural Theory II (AJ20002, UZAJ0002)
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Diploma Thesis
- Bachelor's Non-diploma Thesis
- English Queens of Crime (AJ24056, UZAJ4056)
- English Social History 1707 - 1945
- Independent Readings - Kyzlinková (AJ19619, AJ29619, UZAJ9619)
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Thesis - Kyzlinková
- British History and Culture
- English A1
- English Queens of Crime
- English Social History 1707 - 1945
- Independent Readings - Kyzlinková (AJ19619, AJ29619)
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Master's Thesis - Kyzlinková
- Minor Paper - Kyzlinová
- Minor Thesis - Kyzlinková
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- Angličtina mírně pokročilí
- Bachelor's Thesis - Kyzlinková
- English Social History 1066 - 1707
- English Social History 1707 - 1945
- Independent Readings - Kyzlinková (AJ19619, AJ29619)
- Introduction to British Studies II
- Literary and Cultural Theory II
- Master's Thesis - Kyzlinková
- Minor Paper - Kyzlinová
- Minor Thesis - Kyzlinková
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Arts
- Angličtina mírně pokročilí
- Baccalaureate Paper - Kyzlinková
- English Queens of Crime
- English Social History 1066 - 1707
- Independent Readings - Kyzlinková (AJ19619, AJ29619)
- Introduction to British Studies I
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Master's Thesis - Kyzlinková
- Minor Paper - Kyzlinová
- Minor Thesis - Kyzlinková